Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] order [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 While welcoming in principle the SIB 's recent proposals for simplification of the rules , Mr Bell said : ‘ Any changes , no matter how desirable , must however be implemented sensibly in order not to increase unnecessarily the already considerable costs of the regime , which in our case can only be borne by the policy holders . ’
2 The shelter that Jenny had found for me was in Camden Town , not too far away , so in order not to arrive there before it got going for the evening , I dawdled a little , window-shopping .
3 Reform of the exchange rate mechanism following September 's currency crisis , as originally called for by UK Prime Minister John Major , was left off the agenda and finance ministers stayed away in order not to upset the markets .
4 5 Corps was still under orders not to provoke or resist them by force , for the reasons Macmillan had explained on his visit on 13 May , and on the evening of 14 May Gen McCreery confirmed this in a message to Gen Keightley [ KP 106 ] : agreement confirmed that Maj Dubajic would remain at Kappel with Lt Lochhead of 6 SF ( SOE ) to make arrangements for the hand-over of further 10,000 Croats by 23 May making a total of 13,000 Croats to be repatriated .
5 Various methods are used , depending on market circumstances — the ‘ tap ’ method , where stock is issued gradually in order not to flood the market and depress the price ; the ‘ tender ’ method , where institutions are invited to tender for a given issue ; and the ‘ auction ’ method , where stock is sold to the highest bidders among the twenty or so gilt-edged market makers ( GEMMs ) .
6 We want to act carefully in order not to disturb that balance .
7 In the United Kingdom , Derry/Londonderry was the first and their game was called The Maiden City , presumably in order not to alienate that half of the community which did not approve of either the name Derry or Londonderry .
8 And therefore in the interim period things had to be you know , you had to treat people fairly in order not to let them be of the belief er that going to er central conference was just an exercise .
9 I cravenly agreed , simply in order not to antagonize and perhaps lose him .
10 Since most , if not all , big bream swims lie some distance from the bank , groundbait which has to be thrown needs to be packed quite tightly in order not to break up while in flight .
11 ‘ Good morning , Mr Connon , ’ said a man 's voice , pitched deliberately softly in order not to startle .
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