Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was n't Marti Caine at that stage , I was Zoe Bond , but only after being Sunny Smith for three weeks .
2 After this Firbank resumed his nomadism , and the settings of his books , too , were henceforth to be fantastic versions of foreign places : Vienna , Havana , Seville .
3 Unless the circular speed of the Galaxy 's potential declines markedly towards the centre , only clouds dense enough to be strong CS emitters could survive shredding by the tidal field .
4 A new and successful innovation was the evolution of stemless crinoids — some of these acquired pelagic habits , and during the Cretaceous the genera Marsupites and Uintacrinus ( see p.79 ) were widespread enough to be useful marker fossils .
5 Marine sponges have a long fossil record from the Cambrian onwards , and at many localities they are abundant enough to be important rock formers .
6 Some persist in doubting that the Japanese , whose famous discipline led to excellence in manufacturing , are creative enough to be excellent innovators too .
7 Like the herring gull , eider can only take dog-whelks that are small enough to be swallowed whole .
8 Sometimes she thought that when they were old enough to be doubtful strangers themselves she would still be telling them to hold hands and watch the traffic .
9 These net-like bryozoa form colonies large enough to be conspicuous fossils .
10 So to be truthful Brenda , I 'm happier not thinking about it .
11 What , you mean they 're only to be young leaders there .
12 This may seem only to be valid comment upon a fundamentalist ‘ wing ’ of Christianity .
13 On the other side of the Strada Stirbei Voda in the west of central Bucharest which has been converted from a charming street into a new boulevard , almost opposite the old and soon to be redundant opera-house , lies the huge shell of the new National Museum of Romanian History .
14 And Roy , the soon to be proud father , what do you think of all this ?
15 Glow-strips flickered , as if to this stifling hell of pain and terror was soon to be added darkness .
16 He lived alone , and anonymously , in a one-room fiat on a soon to be condemned estate close to the Elephant and Castle , an address he had given to nobody , not even his employer .
17 Oh I 'd I 'd like to be a a delegate at conference but I ca n't be a candidate this year cos I 'm captain of my and I think I 'll be a bit busy anyway to be honest doing press work .
18 As will be shown below , there is some reason , though not perhaps positive evidence , for supposing that his appointment to the Muftilik occurred relatively late in his life ; and there seems also to be good reason to suppose that his appointment to the muderrislik of the Manastir medrese occurred before his appointment to the kadilik since it was usual even in the early days of the Ottoman state for a man to have done some teaching before being appointed to as important a kadilik as that of the capital city .
19 There are also to be joint degree courses , joint research and exchange of staff for the 4,000-student college .
20 These activists then recruited their friends , who were likely also to be Free Presbyterians .
21 First , a series of dimensions are identified which have been agreed both to be important aspects of child development and/or of particular relevance to separated children .
22 From 14 April 1931 down to September 1933 the Socialists held three ministerial portfolios : Indalecio Prieto occupied the Finance ministry in the Provisional Government and later the Ministry of Public Works ; Fernando de los Ríos was Minister of Justice ; and the Ministry of Labour was occupied throughout by the general secretary of the UGT , Francisco Largo Caballero , a former plasterer who had left school at seven and was later to be Prime Minister of the wartime Republic .
23 In 1843 she translated a paper by General Menabrea , later to be prime minister of Italy , describing Babbage 's analytical engine , later seen as the forerunner of the modern computer .
24 And they claim that , far from being innocent fun , the blow-up castles are putting children at risk of serious injury .
25 However , current research shows that early humans did not generally rely on a meat diet , but that plant foods were at least as important : far from being mighty hunters , early humans are more likely to have been opportunist scavengers .
26 These two suggestions , far from being enlightened liberation of all children , are actually oppression of a deeply damaging kind to at least some , and Harris 's suggestion contains a capacity criterion in disguise .
27 And , far from being teenage tearaways , the typical offender is a middle-aged white-collar worker who probably drinks lager .
28 I went through the first pile , which seemed mainly to be stock orders from golf professionals around the country , and started on the next tray .
29 What had appeared then to be contentment turned out now to be cold loneliness .
30 ‘ or was likely to be caused to persons in or on that vehicle ( or trailer ) or on a road ’ 'Likely to be caused' means potentially dangerous such as sharp edges jutting out from the body of a motor vehicle ; a loose driver 's seat which could cause loss of control of the car ; projecting wheel wing nuts or mudguards that could strike a pedestrian ; and a loose rear bumper that might fall off and cause an accident etc .
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