Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [Wh det] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 and we 'll catch it early and so I have n't been , sort of , saying to myself ooh I 've lost some weight , I 'll try to lose more at the moment I 'm not worrying too much about what I eat
2 Only for what I deserve . ’
3 You will think I want to marry you only for what I have done , and you will refuse me on that score . ’
4 I speak not only of what I have seen , but of what I have read in your labour statistics .
5 So from what I have read I have culled the following
6 Last season it seemed as though Fairclough was one of those being blamed for the porous Leeds defence ( without the benefit of TV or live matches I 'm going entirely on what I read ) , and was one of the players stuck with a for sale sign at the end of the season by Wilko .
7 Er I know Mike now goes off at slightly different subjects , so I would suggest if there are any questions , not only on what I 've just said , but really what you 've done this morning , the exercise , either myself , Dennis , or Mike , or Trevor could answer any questions ?
8 Here 's a little of what I 've learnt about them .
9 You were just saying , you know , that we should just walk in the streets and things like , but I would just not walk out in the streets at night , I 've got to be in the car with the doors locked and , and I just would n't walk out in the streets at night , not because any thing has happened to me , but its just through what I 've heard , I 'm just terrified .
10 And now , so many scars have grown over where it hurts that I 'm not sure I 'm clear anymore about what I 've lost .
11 I do n't know how to approach this , but this is me , Sarah , your pathetically vile big sister , not able to find the words , but hoping you can see what I 'm trying to do — what I 'm trying to say — and please , please believe me when I say that I 'm not trying to run away from what I 've done , but if I could change somehow — obliterate — one thing I 've done in my life , one truly awful thing that I have done , it would be this .
12 I tend to steer away from what I consider to be the boring mainstream in cooking .
13 ‘ Of course you would n't like him anyway from what I hear about where you come from .
14 Whereas Marx often used this term to refer generally to what I have called the division by sectors or branches many recent writers have used it to refer to the division of functions , found within all branches in a capitalist economy , between the ‘ exploiters ’ or ‘ controllers ’ of labour power and the direct production workers .
15 ‘ I told you once before what I believe in , Michael Riven .
16 This brings me at once to what I have always found the most impressive fact about the evidence on this subject : its ambiguity , not to say its neutrality .
17 I 'm not nowhere near as what I smoke
18 Do you know I 've just realized that your curtains are nearly like what I 've ordered for the bedroom .
19 It is no conceded that that figure included matters which should not have been taken into consideration , such as the agency quotes mark-up unquotes and the effect of V A T. Figures making allowance for appropriate deductions but also including what I 've said by Mr to be appropriate increases totalling one hundred and sixty thous one hundred and sixty six thousand two hundred and fifty pounds , are claimed on behalf of the plaintiff .
20 I think that er probably from what I hear , is the readier of the two er for a severer test , I think still somewhere short of full match fitness certainly , but er I know that er Mick can scarcely wait to get a hundred per cent , and have him bidding for contention .
21 It was an affliction rather than a gift , and I was to be healed of it two years later by what I believe was the power of Christ .
22 So I 'm a bit more conscious now of what I photograph and how I photograph .
23 I make myself aware of a three-dimensional object by synthesizing what I perceive from here with what I imagine from there , of a continuing event by synthesizing what I perceive now with what I remember from past and anticipate from future viewpoints ; and in either case ‘ Be aware ’ obliges me to let myself be moved from the different viewpoints , as a causally necessary condition of becoming aware from them .
24 Not for a moment do I want you to believe unthinkingly in what I say .
25 However , there is a danger here of what I call the definitional fallacy , that is a tendency to seek to present the law as if everything was completely cut and dried , whereas such ‘ defences ’ may be better understood as ‘ excuses ’ the primary function of which , from a ( negative ) utilitarian point of view , is simply to minimize the amount of punishment actually imposed without jeopardizing the credibility of the general system of threat through which , arguably , criminal law realizes its prescriptive function .
26 I make myself aware of a three-dimensional object by synthesizing what I perceive from here with what I imagine from there , of a continuing event by synthesizing what I perceive now with what I remember from past and anticipate from future viewpoints ; and in either case ‘ Be aware ’ obliges me to let myself be moved from the different viewpoints , as a causally necessary condition of becoming aware from them .
27 Well well er yes well from what I 've already learnt , and I 've got to be rather blunt in this matter , I 'm afraid that Carol 's expectations
28 On the wider issue , it has been made clear , not simply from what I have said but through what I have done over many years — in an earlier ministerial capacity and in my present one — that we are more than willing to take action where it is shown to be necessary , once we are sure that such action would be well-judged .
29 Not too bad here from what I 've seen .
30 I base that simply on what I know my own district County Council 's current budget .
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