Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Science and technology thus ceases to be seen as autonomous but rather as part of an interesting system in which the internalised ideological assumptions help to determine the actual experimental designs and theories of the scientists and technologists themselves .
2 The common types of consideration paid for the acquisition of Target will be cash , debentures in Newco , shares in Newco , or the right to future shares or debentures in Newco ( perhaps as part of an " earn-out " arrangement or deferred consideration ) .
3 Indeed the adjective must be so understood ; if we try to imagine using , in the structure of ( 16 ) , an adjectival property which is not ascribed to the entity of the noun phrase ( nor helping as a qualifier to identify any entity of the sentence ) , there will be only two possible outcomes : If it is a property semantically compatible with the verb , the result will be taken as an ungrammatical way of expressing a thought which should have incorporated an adverb : ( 17 ) Alastair likes his beef tea great Alternatively , it will be a property that is not compatible with the verb either ; but , in that case , there will be no way of guessing what that property should be applied to — it will in effect be semantically " loose " , so that the whole will be incomprehensible : ( 18 ) the process left the documents puzzled Thus , the property of the adjective qualifies , in purely syntactic terms , the inner grouping of verb and object ; it is applied to the entity of the noun phrase , but not directly , only as part of an interlocking structure with three elements — as in certain engineering and architectural structures , each of three elements needs the other two in order for the whole to function effectively .
4 A third patient died suddenly after rupture of an aortic aneurysm 63 months after orthotopic transplantation , having been previously well and working full time .
5 On May 12 , members of the Parachute Regiment were alleged to have assaulted staff and customers in several public houses in the predominantly nationalist town , apparently in revenge for an earlier IRA bomb in the area which had injured a colleague .
6 Apparently in response to an appeal made at the Central American summit held in San José , Costa Rica , in December 1989 [ see p. 37119 ] , the FMLN on Jan. 11 , 1990 , agreed to reopen within 30 days peace talks with the government under the mediation of the UN Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar .
7 A concern with personal growth and development was apparently in conflict with an emphasis on collective growth and development .
8 Some horses also like to tease us , to irritate us with trivial annoyances — and especially in front of an audience .
9 I am all in favour of an easy life for horse and rider wherever possible .
10 With the Socialists in most constituencies opting to go it alone in pursuit of an overall majority , the left was now divided .
11 It seems that in times past marmosets were bigger but , perhaps in adaptation to an almost bird-like life in the high branches of South America forests , they have shown an evolutionary trend of decreasing size .
12 This is much less likely to be a problem in numerical work , which is therefore particularly important for studies of regimes inaccessible in the laboratory ( e.g. convection in conditions where non-Boussinesq effects — see the Appendix to Chapter 14 — are significant , perhaps in connection with an application such as solar granulation , Section 26.6 ) .
13 At that time women were generally regarded as economically dependent on their husbands and less in need of an independent source of income in retirement .
14 Indeed , in many respects , such an arrangement would strengthen the independence of the auditor , not only in relation to an industry 's sponsoring department but also with respect to the potential pressures of overbearing industry chairmen .
15 Overall , patients with two risk factors took longer to heal ( 4.4 weeks ; 95% CI 4.1 , 4.7 ) than did those with only one risk factor ( 3.7 weeks ; 95% CI 3.5 , 3.9 ) ; this was true for all pairs of risk factors with the exception of multiple ulcers plus prior complications and multiple ulcers plus an ulcer greater than 15 mm in diameter ( Table IV ) , which were associated with prolonged healing only in comparison with an absence of risk factors .
16 DEC perhaps captured the expectation best : ‘ Do you think he could buy himself a plane ticket and go on a personal tour of all of us — IBM , Hewlett-Packard , Sun Microsystems Inc , DEC — and bring us together in kind of an Open Software Foundation II with all of the chief executives on the same dais saying the past is behind us ? ’
17 And as proof in the healing power of accepted love her hands undid him , as he undid her , until , naked together , he lifted himself to enter her , and if for McAllister there was a moment of trapped fear it disappeared when she was truly his , and they were , at last , one thing , moving together in harmony in an experience quite unlike the shock and terror which she had felt with Havvie , and had always feared would happen to her if she ever made love again .
18 All these things have to be brought together in relation to an account of crisis .
19 Lance-Corporal John Shaw ( 1789–1815 ) , a prize-fighter whose magnificent physique caused him to be much in demand as an artist 's model .
20 Gloucester was much in demand as an arbiter and as a source of legal redress , and it is clear that he took the matter seriously .
21 Gloucester was much in demand as an arbiter and as a source of legal redress , and it is clear that he took the matter seriously .
22 Because of the accounting principle of conservatism , it is unlikely that an accounting system would recognize revenue merely on receipt of an order .
23 These claims rest less on profession as an objective category of activities and more on moral evaluation of work ( Becker 1970 ) .
24 She quickly explained that she had come less on account of an actual problem in her marriage than because she wanted to ‘ consult ’ an expert .
25 Coal imports will double in Japan over the next twenty years or so with coal becoming second only to oil as an energy supplier , at about one-quarter of demand .
26 In 1853 Gustave dines alone at Croisset with an unnamed dog .
27 A mortgagee is not , in our judgment , to be deprived of a contractual or equitable right to add costs to the security merely by reason of an order for payment of costs made without reference to the mortgagee 's contractual or equitable rights and without any adjudication as to whether or not the mortgagee should be deprived of those costs .
28 The " dress of thought " metaphor retains some appropriacy but only by virtue of an impression , difficult to justify , that the formal tail is wagging the semantic dog .
29 Implicit information , or " know-how " , is that information which is an integral part of a skill and can be acquired only by apprenticeship from an expert .
30 This predominance was justified after November 1968 by the ‘ Brezhnev doctrine ’ , a statement by the Soviet leader that any move away from Communism in an Eastern bloc state would be treated as a menace to all states in the bloc .
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