Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 With the residents , they applied successfully for finance through the Inner Area Programme to establish the Braunstone workshops on the estate .
2 The Sir Richard Arkwright and Company mill at Cromford , a familiar sight to travellers along the main Derby-Buxton-Manchester road , only ceased spinning in November 1991 — latterly as part of the Coates Viyella group .
3 There was a fire-hole in the centre of the room , presumably for warmth in the winter .
4 Local dairies , bacon factories and packing stations produce butter , cheese , dried milk , bacon , eggs and chickens mostly for shipment across the Irish Sea to the large mainland markets .
5 In their overheated frustration this Monday evening at Old Trafford they let themselves down badly through ignorance of the laws of cricket .
6 People murmured that this would never have happened in Cromwell 's day , albeit secretly for fear of the authorities .
7 ‘ The main reason that I am contacting you is that I thought you might be interested to know that John ( stage name Joan Rawson ) was awarded the Eric Rowley Trophy for the artist who has done the most for charity over the last 12 months .
8 Former Civic Forum chairman and federal Finance Minister Vaclav Klaus was elected overwhelmingly as chairman of the new party .
9 It is sent to our secretary , who has the considerable task of arranging the pages into a form suitable for photo-copying , inserting photographs , and if necessary reducing then to the correct size , etc. for insertion into the gaps left in the text .
10 A smiling Hannon simply said : ‘ The ground has come right for Assessor in the Doncaster Cup . ’
11 Depressed moods are the most difficult moods for dieting , and such is the mood-lifting effect of exercise that it is even being used medically as part of the treatment for depression .
12 Academic subscribers included Edmund Halley , Astronomer Royal , the Professor of Modern History at Oxford , the Provost of Oriel , Professors of Botany at both Dublin and Edinburgh Universities and the Vice-Master of Trinity , expressly for use in the Library of that Cambridge College .
13 As the cyclist who organised the commuter challenge , I agree with Bernard Povey ( letters , 5 July ) that the route from Currie to the city centre is downhill for part of the way .
14 Vowels are recognized most effectively as part of the pattern and rhythm of the whole sentence .
15 Some Anglophile girls in Adidas plead fruitlessly for admission to the bus in the hope of getting a piece of Clint .
16 While the Action Teams have a major role to play in implementing local initiatives , they are not working on their own , but rather as part of the overall Making Belfast Work strategy .
17 I would have thought it would have been better in the introduction rather as part of the minutes , would you not have thought so ?
18 Despite general neglect of the country 's heritage , restoration is a popular topic for debate , perhaps as compensation for the lack of action .
19 Kathleen Kenyon , the excavator , recognized two deposits , but since there were coins of the House of Theodosius in each , it can be assumed that they accumulated over a fairly short period , perhaps as rubbish from the nearby forum .
20 If any Mercurian core separated from the mantle then it is likely that mantle temperatures became high enough for differentiation within the mantle to occur , the less dense substances moving upwards to form a crust .
21 It is a major procedure in these patients , and , unfortunately , not all patients are fit enough for surgery at the time of referral .
22 A common tactic is first to brand the victims as ’ communists ’ this has provided justification enough for murder in the past .
23 However , his elves are very like fallen angels , quite similar enough for confusion in the minds of fallible men .
24 It was not far , it has to be said , but far enough for enrolment with the Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps , later known as the Royal Pioneer Corps , to secure release from internment .
25 Roy Nash ( 1973 , p. 17 ) discovered that pupils as young as eight years were able to say which children in the class were better than them at reading , writing and number ; and their self-perceived class rank correlated highly with the rankings made by the teacher at the researcher 's request ( and therefore not explicitly available hitherto for communication to the children ) .
26 The twenty-fifth defendant , Wessex , is sued more prosaically for breach of the contract dated 1 April 1988 which has been repudiated by Wessex on the grounds of fraud .
27 The Socialist League still took the view that only through work in the Labour Party was there any possibility of building a united labour movement .
28 The speaker is thus identified , but in an oblique way , which the reader can comprehend only through familiarity with the idiomatic use of ‘ gather ’ as meaning ‘ to deduce or conclude from something heard or read ’ .
29 However , many clients were supported by the scheme , and it is only through comparison with the control sample that one can determine whether or not the project was successful in sustaining them at home for a longer period of time than would have been the case without it .
30 Three tries in four championship matches , and those against a weak defence , does not speak much for potential in the Scottish backs .
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