Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But I mean you know he 's a workaholic and he expects everybody to be the same and then he works in there by the time I get there in the morning he works , works solidly right through until I leave there at night , you know .
2 That you 've got to have it written down somewhere for when someone takes over .
3 He thought of the cabin up the creek to which his sister had withdrawn at his urging , and he turned to find the track , willing himself to control his horror , to keep moving nimbly and stealthily as if he did not feel unstrung .
4 You know that I would do it properly for if I had to .
5 I do it without premeditation , as naturally and wearily as if I did it every night .
6 Mark Twain was so impressed he included a description in his work The Innocents Abroad : ‘ I watched the Silver Swan which had a living grace about his movements and a living intelligence in his eyes — watched him swimming about as comfortably and unconcernedly as if he had been born in a morass instead of a jewellers ' shop — watched him seize a silver fish from under the water and hold up his head and go through all the customary and elaborate motions of swallowing it ’ .
7 The interrupted program therefore proceeds with the execution of the instructions at locations n+1 , n+2 , … , etc. as if nothing had happened , until the next interrupt signal is received .
8 Suppose that , similarly , the effect of a hot bath depended on , say , our emotional state , rather as whether we feel an icicle down our backs as an icicle or as a red-hot dagger depends on what we have been led to expect .
9 They looked rather as if they had just raided an old clothes shop , few of the items of their clothing being a match , and for the most part , fitting only where they touched .
10 Banks also owned equity stakes in their clients , but their real influence came from debt : companies ' big exposure to bank debt gave the lenders control rather as if they held equity .
11 He seemed to be waiting for me to react , rather as if he 'd floated a fly in front of a fish .
12 He spoke the words ‘ sherry at six ’ with a hint of menace , rather as if he had said ‘ pistols at dawn ’ .
13 He said abruptly , rather as if he had been thinking about something quite different all the time Nick had been talking — ‘ She may be a little upset , I 'm afraid .
14 Whatever the business at hand was , he got on with it , rather as if you poured Draino into a sink .
15 She used to ring Otto at his office , rather as if she felt this experience had some professional interest to Otto .
16 and she , he , she goes down to the abortion centre right after and he dies !
17 In his wake were two older men in crumpled uniforms , unshaven clumsy fellows , carrying their rifles gingerly as if they feared they might go off unexpectedly .
18 When she tried again the door gave suddenly as if it had decided of itself to let her in .
19 ‘ The gloves are only for when you go out .
20 Topaz went into Timothy 's arms as quietly and naturally as if nothing had happened .
21 ‘ But there are things you have no experience of , ’ he continued inexorably as if she had n't spoken .
22 I have no compass to tell me what I am destined for ; and yet , when I look back , everything seems to fit as well together as if I 'd been following a benevolent daimon all along …
23 His face was thin and emaciated , drawn together as if it spent each night in some kind of linen press .
24 Cos I definitely want my hair long for when we get married .
25 His jerkiness was pathological ; not only as if he wanted to get rid of me , but of time itself .
26 First let her fear build up : let her come to believe that this prize , this catch of the season , would leave her not only as if she had never met him but somehow spoiled .
27 The prosecution say there 's no dispute that Kelly killed David Nock , only about whether he intended to kill him .
28 In Arequipa I had watched women in the church of Santo Domingo giggle happily as they dressed the Virgin for a procession ; , behaving much as if they had been preparing a girl for a wedding , not a poor girl though , rather one Velasquez might be called upon to paint .
29 He had a permanent smile in his eyes , I thought , much as if he found the whole of life a joke .
30 Whereupon he tried it stante pede , shoved the stool away and played standing at the organ , at the same time working the pedal , and doing it all as if he had been practising it for several months .
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