Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It also spreads right through Arabia and the Middle East as far as India and Turkestan .
2 At Messina they succeeded in winning the support of Italy for a move towards broad economic integration , triumphing over both a more limited conception advocated by West Germany that fell somewhere between supranationalism and the old sectoral route , and the doubts of France over the whole concept of a common market .
3 Although Eisenhower chose to sum up somewhere between Humphrey and the US Joint Chiefs , with each crisis being dealt with in the light of the prevailing circumstances , he agreed that if constructive talks with the USSR seemed possible at any time , it would be wrong to disappoint public hopes of some relaxation of the Cold War .
4 An hour later she was floating somewhere between reality and the fifth dimension .
5 One winter night , as the mutt twitched away in front of the fire , his mind somewhere between Basingstoke and the twilight zone , a 100-watt light bulb in the standard lamp above his head suddenly exploded without warning !
6 MUCH OF the painting in London commercial galleries hovers somewhere between Expressionism and a more traditional British Romanticism .
7 There they stay , apparently somewhere off Greenland and the Faroes , feeding on shrimp and turning pink .
8 At Pierrefitte you have the choice : right for Cauterets and the Pont d'Espagne , or left for Luz , Baréges and Gavarnie .
9 Henry VIII cared little about evidence or the finer points of law .
10 It is a little after breakfast and the Koons have just walked into their first scandal of the day .
11 ‘ You can keep the whore , ’ Sharpe said again to Lord John , but this time loud enough for Jane and the other spectators to hear , ‘ but I want my money . ’
12 This is usually because they 've never thought much about Christianity and the only opinions that they have got are ones that they 've picked up from their parent(s) or the TV .
13 Such a process is essential to help a team to mature because it is only through reflection that a team can emerge from the forming and storming stages .
14 I have no commercial gallery and I sell only through commissions and the Royal Academy ; moreover having always had a teaching job , I have no real need to sell .
15 As the population grew land rents soared , multiplying sixfold between Emancipation and the turn of the century , thereby enabling the nobility to cream off and fritter away a huge surplus from peasant labour .
16 So much for Biggles and the Red Baron .
17 He writes only for PFK and the Sunday Sport — and acquired most of his fishkeeping knowledge while flying a bomber to the moon .
18 It 's not only about archives and the past .
19 However , single pairs breed regularly at the Cuckmere estuary and about 12 pairs do so between Rye and the Midrips .
20 So for example where the odour effects a number of people this may fall within that category .
21 Length is stored as exact length ±1 , so for example if a word has 5 letters , then bits 4 , 5 and 6 will be set .
22 Is it the promises merely for baptism or the promises for confirmation in that the child is articulate and intelligent enough to answer ?
23 IAN HUNTER 'S freak injury means Tony and Rory Underwood become the first brothers to play together for England since the war tomorrow .
24 Lisburn Road is also used by the Peace Train Organisation , Women Together for Peace and the Fellowship of Reconciliation .
25 The school was perched on a hillside at the edge of a little village halfway between Geneva and the Princesse 's château .
26 Ironically , it is obviously during recession that the greatest demands are made on the social security budget as needs explodes .
27 Officials reckon these will appear only after Moscow and the republics settle budget differences .
28 It is only after gastrulation that the organs , like limbs , liver , and eyes , begin to develop .
29 A torrente is a river which usually flows only after rain or the melting of the snows ; most of the rivers that descend from the Apennines towards the Po and the Adriatic are torrenti , more or less dry in summer except for an occasional pool where you could swim in those far-off days without much danger to your health .
30 Merely considering biomass as the exploitation of waste shows great unused potential .
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