Example sentences of "[adv] [noun sg] [coord] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Heat together milk and water and caster sugar .
2 Most couples , however fossilized their relationship , have some interest in common , if it 's only cooking or travel or pets .
3 In the end it is only trial and error that one settles on a suitable selection .
4 Okay , so trial and error and involved with trial and error is something that I 'm almost certain that Assa and David are going to er ,
5 Honest to goodness southern French plonk in which traditional grape varieties conspire to bring together pepper and spice and rich , smelly cheese with a raspberry and currant flavour .
6 It seemed that here , there was never any spring , only wind and rain and the dull ache of loss .
7 From this and other types of experiment , it is beyond dispute that , even by the most rigid of the criteria used by mammalian psychologists , Drosophila show not merely habituation and sensitization but classical and operant conditioning based on visual , olfactory and even touch cues .
8 It is not only religion and morality that are in question .
9 She prepared baskets full of food ; not only bread and cheese and wine , but also roast chickens , cooked rabbits , salami and any other supplies she could lay her hands on .
10 It also means that officialdom can participate in the ‘ privatization ’ of the national economy , including not only embezzlement and bribery but also exchanging services , making useful connections and lavishly granting administrative favours to potential allies and sponsors in expectation of reciprocity ’ ( Hirszowicz 1980 , p. 271 ) .
11 The range of disciplines includes not only philosophy and history but a broad spread of modern European languages and literature .
12 Objects , or models of them , may be used to teach not only vocabulary but structure as well .
13 0 brother , to dwell in a dark and cold place , to endure patiently sorrow and weakness and pain , is the fountain of life and the cup of spiritual intoxication , for these heights are all in the lowliness. — J. Rumi
14 Undeterred by this ill omen , he set forth , intending to win not only fame and fortune but lands as well , which he had agreed to share equally with Philip .
15 On the French side although the Communists failed to form a government and were thus not in a position to change French policy towards Vietnam — whether they would have wanted to do so is not quite so clear — the impasse between them and the MRP had resulted in a caretaker government under the veteran Socialist party leader , Leon Blum ; and Blum , calling for an end to equivocation and an absolutely clear definition of policy , had urged not only confidence and friendship but ‘ sincere agreement ’ on the basis of Vietnamese independence .
16 ‘ I 'll miss you though , Kate , you 've kept me together body and soul since I lost Mandy .
17 And yes , I drink alcohol but only wine and champagne and usually only in the evening .
18 ‘ A prince is only flesh and blood and skin and bone . ’
19 Stores were distributed in pony treks that carried not only ammunition and food but also mail and the force 's own newspaper .
20 Jokes and laughter can be a wonderful way of bringing people together but Gowie 's so-called jokes are the sort that cause only anger and unhappiness and make everyone despise him .
21 For headaches with any symptoms involving other parts of the nervous system , such as disturbances of sensation , especially vision and dizziness or any disturbed capacity to initiate movement , such as speech difficulty or weakness .
22 The intensity of the rebellion by workers and peasants from 1905 to 1907 , and the radicalism of the proposals from left-wing representatives in the first two Dumas , presented the liberals with an alarming spectre : a violent upheaval which would sweep away not merely tsar and nobility but the entire social order and all hope of peaceful liberal reform .
23 Does the Secretary of State agree that , to obtain a balanced view , we must consider not only unemployment but employment and self-employment , which grew steadily during the 1980s under the Government and is set to grow further in the 1990s under the same Government ?
24 There she greatly admired Monsieur Jerricault 's canvas , which though static contained for her much motion and lighting and , in its own way , music — indeed , in some fashion it contained more of these things than did the vulgar Panorama .
25 One of the strengths of an analysis of timing is being able to distinguish between curriculum elements that are likely to require frequent input ( eg items in mathematics ) and items that might be effectively delivered at least in part in an interdisciplinary ‘ project ’ format , ( eg perhaps history or geography or RE ) .
26 You will save yourself much time and trouble if you have a course of lessons from a qualified teacher ( all the information you need is in the next chapter ) .
27 Table 11.1 illustrates how poor behaviour provokes evermore interest and attention as , paradoxically , pupils become literally and metaphorically isolated — the educational equivalent of irresistibly poking a sore tooth with your tongue .
28 But I was kind of forced into that because it was only bass and guitar and I was trying to do as much rhythm as I could , but stab a few notes in here and there to make it sound like there was more than there really was .
29 We had jacket potatoes right , which is literally mouldy and baked hard so you 'd get about out of a jacket potato you 'd probably get about that much potato and the rest is just skin and mould and hardness quiche which is just like processed cheese and processed eggs and everything you can imagine just total packet mix
30 Just bacon and egg and tomato ?
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