Example sentences of "[adv] [noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's remarkably kind of you to put us up like this , and we 're both very grateful . ’
2 It 's incredibly kind of you to meet us on the offchance .
3 ‘ It 's so kind of you to have my welfare at heart .
4 ‘ Look , it 's terribly kind of you to find me a place to stay , but you must let me give you the money .
5 ‘ And the lady , it is especially kind of her to allow me to stay . ’
6 She was tall and had a slender enough waist for him to have spanned it with his hands , and he was amazed at how strongly he wished he could be given the chance .
7 it 's not like a good enough reason for him to call the characters these names , like if they do n't have that much significance .
8 And you know I think if we can , that 's a big enough task for us to take on here .
9 It was finally time for me to pack up my tent and vanish into the summer afternoon .
10 But I have to admit that in the past I have been offended by people saying that it 's just formula for me to play melodies and structures that come to me very naturally .
11 When I visited Aunt Louise there was just time for us to have a meal in one of the High Street cafés before I caught the bus home .
12 Time was now important to him : it had been a lazy year and , as he had told Levy , there was still work for him to do .
13 There was still food for them to eat and Mrs Rundle was still there .
14 He has changed his position and perhaps there is still time for him to cross the Floor before he leaves the House at the end of this Parliament .
15 As Devon Loch struggled up there was still time for him to get going again and hold off E.S.B. , but his hind legs seemed not to function and he could not move on .
16 I have faxed my protest to the board , there 's still time for them to change their mind .
17 ‘ But there 's still time for you to redeem yourself .
18 It was nearly time for her to take up position at Ludgate Circus , but first she had to get Ruby to leave .
19 And annual ; by the time they 've got themselves together it will be practically time for them to disperse .
20 There was n't any chance really , well there was nothing which we could call there was no encouragement for girls to achieve anything academically or really encouragement for them to do anything much with their lives after they left school , aside from in the home , except for perhaps being domestic servants , something like that , which is after all the category of employment which absorbed most women until quite late on .
21 It was now time for him to call in his battlegroup to tell his men of their achievements .
22 Well I 'm afraid it 's now time for me to send one of those boring sending off messages that everyone usually skips straight past .
23 It was surely time for me to take life more seriously .
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