Example sentences of "[adv] [that] [pron] [is] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Better that it 's used to revamp the old chestnut about ‘ how many electricians does it take to change a lightbulb ? ’ in the form of ‘ how many reissues does it take to relaunch a band 's career ? ’
2 Especially that it 's headed by Mrs Grigorovich , Natalya Bessmertnova .
3 Will the Home Secretary expedite his consideration and either grant a posthumous pardon or at least instigate a public inquiry , so that what is regarded as the greatest injustice of our post-war criminal justice system left unremedied will be put right before the last member of the Bentley family dies without knowing the result ?
4 Dr. John Whitcomb , professor of Theology and Old Testament at Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake , Indiana , summed it up very well when on page 52 of his book ‘ The Early Earth ’ , he wrote , ‘ the testimony of an honest evolutionist could be expressed in terms of Hebrews 11:3 as follows , ‘ By faith , I , an evolutionist , understand that the worlds were not framed by the word of any god , so that what is seen has indeed been made out of previously existing and less complex visible things , by purely natural processes through billions of years ’ . ’
5 In addition there is , as yet , no consensus of opinion among Keynes scholars over his treatment of the labour market so that what is presented here must be regarded as the personal view of the author .
6 It is also , very importantly , of two kinds : short term and long term ; so that what is recalled in the short term ( the classic example is a string of numbers ) may fade rapidly from the memory , while other elements of the communication , which are not so easy to recall immediately , stay in the mind long afterwards .
7 I want to question my belief , so that what is left after I have questioned it , will be even stronger . ’
8 ‘ We 've discussed all the possibilities so that everyone is covered , ’ says Enya .
9 The computer keyboard also has its own memory and if the computer is busy doing something else or you type too fast , the last sequence of keystrokes ( usually 16 ) is remembered so that nothing is lost .
10 We are left with real problems of unemployment and all that goes with that with the drifting away of hospital care so that everything is centered outside the constituency ; with the drifting away of real jobs so that people have to move outside .
11 The name of the funeral director can then be kept in a safe place with other important documents , such as the Will , so that whoever is left to deal with the situation can contact the funeral director .
12 Er so that there is built into the constitution then , checks and controls on the president .
13 The middle phase is where this tolerance is progressively lost so that there is decreased control over use and over associated behaviour .
14 When a female is ready to spawn she will leave her cave ( in which she will have previously have spent a lot of time ) and approach the male , who will display to her by quivering his body slightly and beating his tail in front of her , so that she is buffeted by the current created .
15 In the absence of any agreement , or undertaking , then probably out of necessity the wife will have to pay for repairs , and explore the possibility when the trust comes to an end of applying to the court ( under " liberty to apply " ) for a variation of the division of the sale proceeds so that she is reimbursed .
16 This piece of wood passes right through Turnbull , so that he is skewered .
17 They attempt to direct the ball ‘ close to the batsman ’ so that he is denied the room to swing the bat freely and hit the ball hard .
18 If he is to practise standing up , the plinth height may be raised , so that he is perched on the edge with his legs fairly straight : this reduces the support under his seat , but makes it easier for him to stand .
19 It is also vital that any incident or accident involving the emergency services ( police , fire or ambulance ) is notified to Peter Bateman at Felcourt as soon as possible so that he is briefed to dal with consequent media enquiries .
20 If doubt can be turned destructively against truth so that it is dismissed as error , doubt can also be used constructively to prosecute error disguised as .
21 Consequently , it can be planned so that it is raised at the most appropriate time for it to be dealt with effectively .
22 Finally , and significantly , voting rights exercisable by discretionary portfolio managers are attributed to them ( although member states are allowed to postpone the notification requirement in this last case so that it is tied to general meetings ) .
23 He also needs to cap the new price so that it is prevented from rising further over the remaining four years of construction if he is to convince bankers that they should continue to support Eurotunnel .
24 There is a small category of books where incompleteness , for one reason or another , is almost the rule , so that it is accepted as the norm .
25 Lord Ackner referred , at p. 827 , to the function of the visitor as being the supervision ‘ of the internal rules of the foundation so that it is governed in accordance with those private laws which the founder has laid down … ’
26 If a capital sum is paid under this provision , so that it is assessed upon the settlor , it is treated as the income of the settlor for the year of payment and it shall be treated as income of such amount as after the deduction of tax at the basic rate and additional rate for that year , or the rate applicable to the trust from 1993/94 ( see TA 1988 , s686(1A) ) , would equal the sum or that part of that sum .
27 The use of activated silica " as an addition to the alum coagulant gives speedier flocculation and a more stable floc , so that it is employed fairly extensively .
28 Even Mira is within range for only a month or two out of its total period of 331 days ; at minimum it sinks to magnitude 10 , so that it is lost even with a small telescope .
29 Furthermore , pressed by urban problems and sometimes apparently with other motives , several countries , such as Brazil , Colombia , Indonesia ( where , since 1905 , at least 2.5 million people have been moved from crowded Java , Bali and Lombok , to the ‘ outer ’ islands — an official figure where two or three times this number may have emigrated unassisted ) and Peru are promoting transmigration schemes so that it is projected that the number of forest farmers could double or increase even more than that .
30 One positive approach to the acceptance of other special equipment is to explain its use to fully sighted pupils , let them see it and use it so that it is regarded as something of interest to everyone .
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