Example sentences of "[adv] [that] [pers pn] would [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Remembering the close encounter near Maralal , we arranged for an armed park ranger to accompany us , so that we would also be protected in case of emergency .
2 The intention was that the Uruguayans would construct a state refinery to process Soviet crude , so that they would no longer need to buy the more expensive refined products .
3 So much so that they would rather live in a UK which seems set to have permanent Tory government than an independent Scotland which would almost certainly be Socialist .
4 When he was out with a group of other kids , playing kick-the-can or soldiers , he would often sneak away , so that they would never find him , or think he had fallen down a hole or into a burn or a loch .
5 The conclusion drawn in the Malleus Maleficarum , the handbook on witchcraft written in 1486 by two Dominican friars , was that this made tears displeasing to the Devil , and he made it impossible for witches to cry so that they would never find repentance .
6 Some were constructed so that they would only move when a passing person activated a treadle of some sort so that the toy would suddenly spring into ‘ life ’ .
7 Informally put , in the case of an oligopolistic market this can be achieved by an agreement which specifies that the punishing firms choose outputs or prices which yield them higher profit than at the collusive allocation , so that they would actually gain in the punishment phase .
8 Poor Maxine had such a low opinion of herself that it was going to be necessary to build up her confidence in general , so that she would then be able to play a part in her own treatment .
9 Wycliffe always forced himself to envisage every detail of a murder so that he would never become reconciled to the enormity of the crime .
10 Thorny uses all kinds of things I would never have known about , she finds fungi in the woods , horrible brown oozing stuff , and cooks them so that you would never know .
11 Er , yes I am a person who uses public transport and I believe in it very much , but I must say that erm its very , very inconvenient , I have to rely on three different forms of public transport to get to my work and it takes twice as long as it would as if I , if I could go by car and so I can see the , the attraction of , of going by car and there are many improvements that could be made where I live for instance in , in Glasgow so that you would only have one change and not constantly shuttling to and fro between stations and buses and so forth .
12 Frighten you away , so that you 'd never come back .
13 A real home with animals , and a huge fire where you can roast chestnuts on winter evenings , and a studio with lockers built in , so that I 'd never have to tidy up ! ’
14 In addition , although the suggested Directive is limited to public companies , the accompanying explanatory note shows that consideration is being given to extending its scope to private companies , so that it would effectively apply to private companies which are subsidiaries of a public company ( the normal UK group structure ) .
15 ‘ Although the sales force is relatively small ’ , Harris said , ‘ one of the things that Adams has been careful to do is to focus the activity so that it would actually compete with the majors in its field of respiratory medicine ’ .
16 He demonstrated a feeling for drama and a determination to tell the tale so that it would never be forgotten .
17 So they had a meeting and decided they would put a big net over the entrance to the valley so that it would never be able to get in again .
18 Anyway , you could scratch up the rifling with a file and steel wool so that it would never give the same markings on a bullet again . ’
19 She could think only that she would rather be in Paris .
20 It had been pulling the small cart through backstreets for years now and seemed to know instinctively that it would probably be required to stop at any moment , so there was no point in hurrying .
21 it 's just that it would just that the time , sometimes you 've got to have things on time and some people do n't have .
22 Stories abounded that he would not live , then that he would not walk and finally that he would never play golf again .
23 She tried to recall what twentieth-century German she knew , but was too rusty , and realized quickly that she would never be able to translate the labels on her own .
24 They have talked during the election of improving the Union , and Mr Lang hinted yesterday that they would now seek some sort of consensus .
25 MARTIN EDWARDS , chairman and chief executive of Manchester United , insisted after a four-hour board meeting at Old Trafford yesterday that he would still not be rushed into selling his majority shareholding , writes Stephen Bierley .
26 MARTIN EDWARDS , chairman and chief executive of Manchester United , insisted after a four-hour board meeting at Old Trafford yesterday that he would still not be rushed into selling his majority shareholding .
27 Home Office pathologist Dr Donald Wayte , of Bangor , told the court yesterday that it would probably have been impossible to get so much material into Mrs McMullen 's mouth if she had been conscious , as she would have been fighting for her life .
28 Jim Dunlop , company secretary of the RSNO , said yesterday that it would obviously be more difficult to balance its budget with a grant which was reduced in real terms because of inflation .
29 And the girl who begins rehearsing her Cinders role later this month , was more adamant than ever that she would sooner eke out a living in glass slippers than tennis shoes .
30 Bob and Tony go to the club this afternoon put her down , if I 'm any where near that I 'd fucking stop and all sorts .
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