Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Here we are , ’ announced the Brigadier , emerging suddenly from his world of private woes and turning right on to a grassy track running between two olive groves .
2 And they had white , the whole lot like , and they stripped off right down to a white G-string , then they turned all the lights off and dropped them and by the time they 'd put the lights black on , back on , I ca n't speak now , they 'd had , they had a black one on so they , what they must have had , they well they do , they have loads of them on , they just peel them off like one after another never actually see them naked .
3 ‘ I wanted to write a thoughtful song about recent events , and it was important that I just did n't leap right in with an immediate gut reaction . ’
4 He knew roughly where he was , or he knew in theory , and he stumbled slowly along in a westerly direction , sometimes holding onto the trunk of a birch tree .
5 The bedroom was insufferably dark , though if he insisted that the drapes be further drawn they would open only on to a dour and leaden sky .
6 We want to turn state companies into shareholding companies by moving perhaps on to an Italian model of state participation in industry , so we can create a situation where companies would be owned by a combination of the state , private shareholders and foreign investors .
7 Despite the striving for the autonomy or consumption activities , resulting in an exaggerated separation from business interests , in some respects Bourdieu 's major source of analogy tends to fall back , not on to an economic , but perhaps on to an economistic model .
8 ‘ We were only in for a quiet drink , is a' . '
9 The bungalow did n't look so large from the back , just discreetly expensive , a low white outline from which the lawn sloped gently down to a neat concreted waterside .
10 any way I got to the last one and it was two combinations combined together , so you 've got two separate combinations to do and then you 're to put those two together in with a different rule
11 Some purpose-built blocks of flats fortunately have rubbish chutes on each landing , which means that you can dispose of the rubbish daily down to a large bin .
12 I think it 's all over for a long time .
13 The Gyggle forearms were covered all over with a regular pattern of tight ginger curlicues of hair .
14 A nurse led Charlie through to a cubicle where an elderly man in a long white coat made him strip to the waist , cough , stick out his tongue and breathe heavily before prodding him all over with a cold rubber object .
15 Prick the log all over with a fine skewer and drizzle over the remaining Cointreau .
16 Sprinkle evenly over the top of the vegetables , drizzle all over with a little olive oil and bake for 15–20 minutes until crisp and lightly browned .
17 It must have been all over in a few seconds .
18 It was all over in a few minutes .
19 Battler opened up with the violin and it was all over in a few minutes .
20 Sadly for Moore , who played 108 times for his country , it is now all over after a brave two-year battle against cancer .
21 When in football someone takes aim at the goal we say there is a sudden heightening of tension ; when it is all over after a noble save by the goalie there is an equally sudden slackening of tension .
22 But at the same time one can not help feeling that Proofs is the kind of story that would have been better off as a three-page essay in Granta .
23 Is it not better off as a hidden surprise to be discovered by the interested tourist ?
24 If red meat is really what you want , you would be even better off with a well-trimmed steak .
25 YOUR children may be pestering you to give them a games system for Christmas but you may be better off with a real computer instead .
26 If your material consists of pure text ; a book or report , for example , then it is quite likely that you 'll be better off with a high-powered word processor such as Word 3 , MacAuthor or even a typesetting system like JustText , TeXtures or Page One .
27 Equally , from the tenant 's point of view the interest granted him under a tenancy at will is so precarious that he would almost always be better off with a fixed term to which the 1954 Act did not apply .
28 If , literally , all the time you can spare , is five minutes in the morning before you go to work , and a couple of hours in the evening when you come home , then you would probably be better off with a caged animal , such as a hamster or bird .
29 If the latter , we 're a lot better off with a restrained government than with a rampant one .
30 It is made worse still by those Tories who feel they would be better off with a different leader , though none say that publicly .
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