Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] [prep] [pers pn] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I have a strong interest in languages , and although now we are trying to teach more languages in school , even in primary schooling , I do n't feel that within er my , I 'm only eighteen at the moment , by the time I 'm twenty five things still wo n't have came far enough along for me to utilize this skill .
2 ‘ Well , it would be entirely up to you to decide whether that really is the best way to go about solving this problem .
3 But , but , BUT … it is entirely up to you to find these faults , if they exist , and to report them before the particular guarantee periods expire — and how can you do this without a structural survey ?
4 ‘ Nerina 's always on at me to wear western clothes , ’ confided Mrs Khalid , ‘ but I like to be comfortable .
5 Fielding deeply disapproved of the Ashbery , I knew , and was always on at me to take a suite , or a floor , of the Bartleby or the Gustave on Central Park South .
6 He loved the sound of her and was always on at me to have her round for tea .
7 He was always on at me to become a cab driver or something .
8 Your nan was always on at him to take in lodgers , remember ? ’
9 I 'm as good as lost anyway , there 's no further down for me to go . ’
10 If you 're the earner , and she 's looking after the children , it 's usually down to you to make regular payments for the children 's upkeep at least until they reach the age of seventeen — and longer if they 're still in education .
11 But this does n't happen too often , so it is usually up to you to create your own image .
12 Someone only had to look at me later on for me to get pregnant . ’
13 We 're thinking about problem solving and ways of solving problems , because you are a manager , then it 's often down to you to solve the problems , is n't it ?
14 This , like Worm 's Head , is an island headland joined to the mainland by a causeway ; but the tide was now too far in for me to cross .
15 The harbour master waved at the Sadler 32 , but it was heeled too far over for him to see if they waved back .
16 It 's now up to me to use the opportunity to breakthrough . ’
17 But with his mother arrested it was now up to him to take charge of the rebellion in Poitou .
18 The magistrates chairman told foster parents had given him a chance — it was now up to him to take it .
19 ‘ It is now up to us to give them something to shout about again . ’
20 He smiled , paused , and said it would be really up to them to decide .
21 The person was older than me and he 's a bit higher up the rank than me and it 's all about it probably comes with experience he 's to stand for yourself really but it 's when you 're our age and a bit younger you do n't want to be seen to be rocking the boat if there 's something that 's going on that you do n't agree with but you 're asked to do something that you do n't want to do valid reasons you have n't got the time or it 's not really up to you to do it
22 Most of them had the familiar ‘ jizz ’ of guillemots but were too far out for us to tell if they were common guillemots or the Arctic species , Brünnich 's guillemots. ( 'Jizz' is a term coined by experienced birdwatchers to explain how a distant or fleeting glimpse of a bird can produce a positive identification without your being able to say exactly why . )
23 It is then up to me to implement it successfully by controlling my behaviour whilst keeping an eye on progress towards the indicators of success .
24 It is then up to you to gauge their importance to you and to decide whether or not to comply with their demands .
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