Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [pron] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tasteless ridicule of her religion should be absolutely forbidden in the family circle ; not only has she a right to her own beliefs , but an attack on them would be an attack on something that gives her strength and comfort and , best of all , hope as she nears the end of her life .
2 Yes , the continuous procedure only allows you the freedom to make changes if you need to .
3 So er , it only takes you a second to er copy from an adjacent cell but it could take you a minute or two to get that formula working again if it 's not copyable , erm , it would probably only takes you an extra few seconds er when you 're actually building the formula to make it , copyable in the first place so it 's well worth investing a few extra seconds up front to save you maybe a minute or so later on .
4 The carpet gets turned round , your favourite chair feels all wrong , and yet it only takes you an hour or two to wonder why it was obviously never done like this before .
5 If it only takes you an hour or two a week to run your administration , then you do n't yet need a computer .
6 Jonathan Dollimore has noted that ‘ one problem in particular has exercised critics of Dr Faustus : its structure , inherited from the morality form , apparently negates what the play experientially affirms — the heroic aspiration of ‘ Renaissance man ’ ' .
7 And that perhaps er having mentioned the nationalist erm societies this perhaps gives us a clue to it .
8 The period of separation from her husband not only gives her an opportunity for physical recuperation , but also gives the couple a chance to relate to each other in a non-physical way .
9 The Sale of Goods Act 1979 only gives you an entitlement to money back if the goods are faulty , misdescribed or not fit for the purpose you requested them to perform .
10 However , latest th er Microfit not only gives you the test statistic but gives you erm the significance level , probability value er which erm that test statistic is significantly different from zero right so if we are looking at that serial correlation test statistic of two point zero eight right we would accept the null hypothesis of er no serial correlation , right , or would n't be able to reject it strictly .
11 It only gives you the right to choose to do so , should you wish .
12 ‘ But Reichsführer , that only gives us a week . ’
13 Clearly that 's crucial — but it only gives us the opportunity to make profit .
14 Of course , if you have a young family and feel water might be a hazard , the feature could become a raised sandpit or planter , which naturally gives you the opportunity of converting it at a later stage .
15 After all , becoming a provisional member of Equity does n't give them work , it merely gives them the opportunity to work in the career for which they have trained .
16 's Thank you below gives us an insight into what she personally appreciated and might help others in the future .
17 Apple apparently considers it a way to expand its software to a new population of a million machines .
18 God only knows what the KGB will do to them , poor wretches . ’
19 As go-between , the Spirit not only teaches us the truth of God , he opens our eyes to the one in whom that truth became incarnate , and guides us in our lives .
20 iii.302 ) and swears fidelity to him : — yet as soon as they have left the scene he turns to us and shows his loathing and contempt : That Othello should trust him , merely makes him a gull : ‘ He holds me well ; /The better shall my purpose work on him ’ ( 392f . ) .
21 The once vivacious teenager now rarely allows herself a smile , and her lively personality has become buried by the strain of living up to everyone 's expectations .
22 This eclectic mixture soon wins him a following amongst the rest of the neighbourhood 's equally disturbed teenagers but when one of them takes his exhortations to action a little too far and kills himself , the authorities move in .
23 McDunn finally offers me a cigarette .
24 Courier had never beaten the German in five previous meetings , never looked like doing so yesterday and said : ‘ He just beats me every time we play .
25 And the other one just specifies what the path is , does n't it ?
26 In concert , Pollini 's almost super-human control is just as evident , yet he normally allows himself a degree of flexbility which one rarely encounters in the studio .
27 And these are the prices quoted for erm no , it does n't say from no nope it just says what the prices would be .
28 Michael Parkinson , who presented the programme and added some credence to it by his presence , said afterwards : ‘ It just shows what a capacity television has for delusion . ’
29 If the debut album was n't enough to send such theories flying towards the bin , tonight deals them a death-blow .
30 If it normally takes you a quarter of an hour to shave , make it take you half an hour .
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