Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The terms of the contracts in this category are rarely negotiated ; instead , they are prepared by or for one party who effectively imposes them on the other party to the contract , saying " If you want to do business with me , you must use my terms " .
2 Instead , she guides him to check his suggestion and when he realises that he is not successful , she skilfully involves him in the final solution to the problem .
3 Throughout it all , he keenly defends himself against the propaganda with which the minders assigned to foreign journalists bombard him .
4 Since it can not be known as a concept that will realize itself in the future , Sartre argues instead that the totality only produces itself in the moment : ‘ The incarnation as such is at once unrealizable except as totalization of everything and irreducible to a pure abstract unity of that which it totalizes ’ ( II , 58 ) .
5 Sure , the ambiguous title allows 30 seconds of salacious conjecture , but that double-bluff ‘ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ’ non-chorus scores a direct miss , and the sound of five men bashing around in the darkness in search of a tune merely drains you of the will to live . ’
6 THERE are times when life not only kicks you in the teeth , but follows up with the knee in the groin and the rabbit punch to the back of the neck as well .
7 In relation to the Irish worker , he feels himself a member of the ruling nation and so turns himself into a tool of the aristocrats and capitalists of his country against Ireland , thus strengthening their domination over himself .
8 This is the untold story of an exchange which rightly prides itself on an ability to offer efficient markets in leading shares but which can not cope with the unattractive smaller companies .
9 Tomorrow , of course , Kathleen Long joins us for the Phone the Doc slot .
10 All employees are issued a with a security card which not only allows them into the building but also stores details of their credit facilities .
11 Much eludes us about the government of the Merovingian civitates , but some aspects of their role within the administration of the kingdom are reasonably clear .
12 In the situations where the actor does not desire the result , but merely sees it as a foreseeable outcome of his conduct , the House of Lords has said that there is merely evidence from which the tribunal of fact can infer that he intends .
13 He … he only sees me as a … a dear friend .
14 There are fewer elephants about up here erm and er the issue that obviously concerns me from the development point of view is the is the time scale , is the process rather , that that the planning policy would im would imply .
15 Nevertheless it is by no means certain that the use of such predicates necessarily commits us to an anti-monist stance .
16 But p up to ten miles , that takes you outside the limit and if if you have a new settlement for up to fourteen hundred clients , that patiently takes you outside the Greater York Area as defined by your study .
17 Instead Arnold smashes it out of that frightening rough , and not only gets it past the cross-bunkers but lands it pin high just on the edge of the green .
18 However , she only keeps it for a few weeks before it is handed back to the new Lady Mayoress by the sheriff for the price of a kiss .
19 It only takes one at a time .
20 All you have to do is to be willing to co-operate with the hypnotherapist as he gently takes you through the relaxation exercise to the hypnotic state .
21 Relating an interlude of bad weather in 1873 , Bonington suddenly whisks us to the ( almost ) contemporary Chamonix campsite : ‘ Sitting out bad weather is another familiar experience .
22 Leys refers to them both , but only applies one to the Kenyan situation , that of the creation of state posts to absorb the unemployed surplus population formed by changing relations of production .
23 ‘ Internationally , ’ the Jerusalem Post noted , ‘ Israel suddenly finds itself in a glare of warm light as excruciatingly awkward as it is refreshingly flattering — a position of strength based almost entirely on passivity .
24 In examining my own background it seems logical to refer to the findings of Selvini Palazzoli and Minuchin on the families of anorexics , but whereas Minuchin especially confines himself to the family ambience at the time of the onset of the disease , I should like to say a little more about the genesis of that family ambience .
25 The main accusation levelled against boundary routing is that the technology does not actually decrease overall complexity of the network , it merely shifts it from the periphery to the central hub .
26 Submitting to ‘ Be aware ’ , he attends closely to his situation and to his own reactions , and instead of trying to infer from principles how he ought to respond , discovers how when most aware he does respond , and perhaps surprises himself by an impulse contrary to social convention or to his own self-image .
27 The book had been written in haste , he charmingly tells us in the Preface , so that the first part was already at the printers before the second part was written .
28 How you look at someone , the attention you give them and your body language are all means of communication and can have a strong effect upon the recipient , even if he only perceives it on a subconscious level .
29 Well , he only puts them on the
30 he only puts them on the floor .
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