Example sentences of "[adv] [was/were] [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not only were the boys patient in explaining fishing techniques to their obviously ignorant librarian , but when they questioned each other 's accuracy , they presented an argument and facts to support it in a calm and friendly manner .
2 After less than 5 years of this fishery operating in the Gulf , not only were the totoaba fish stocks in danger of collapse but the vaquita population was also severely depleted .
3 Not only were the staffing ratios higher in community-based services but the observation data also suggests that the staff were ‘ delivered ’ , in that they actually spent more time physically in the presence of clients ( staff were present in 91 per cent of observations in the houses and 86 per cent in the three ‘ campus ’ houses compared with 74 per cent in the hospital settings ) .
4 That dock was completed in 1806 , by which time so were the London Docks .
5 The Magistrate was smiling , and so were Mr Rose and Mr Ford , and so were the Schleissner brothers .
6 So were the trade unions to blame ?
7 Down below were the lecture theatres ; above , four identical corridors and several hundreds of labs and offices that were made barely personal with books and posters .
8 Walter Long was a country gentleman who played up to that image for all he was worth , using Henry Chaplin- " the squire — as his political model .
9 Only a few miles upstream was the Dal Cataract .
10 In view of subsequent denials by all concerned that the King of Prussia had been directly involved in events leading up to Leopold 's decision , it is worth noting that not only was the King present but also the Crown Prince of Prussia , Leopold , and his father Prince Anthony .
11 Not only was the rehearsal space larger but here Tiller was able to have an imposing office which he decorated with caricature drawings of himself showing large heads on small ( but fat ) bodies , and always with his hands clasped behind his back .
12 for not only was the Earl Patrick suspicious of anyone coming from the regency , but he happened at this juncture to be consoling himself with a local lady , in the absence of marital comforts .
13 I was told to press it , but you can guess what happened then — not only was the garment shape twisted , but the fabric itself was distorted .
14 Not only was the Republican programme of land reform halted , it was reversed .
15 Is it not clear from that information that not only was the Gulf war a great success in military terms , but that the financial outcome was also most satisfactory from the point of view of the United Kingdom ?
16 facilitator Sandra Wootton said : ‘ Not only was the process time consuming , it also led to an unhealthy creation of excess dust and posed the possible hazard of a band snapping . ’
17 Not only was the material advantage of the Middle East one which would ultimately prove critical , but also we had , through our own fault , lost the technical leadership .
18 Not only was the IDE host card hanging out of the slot , the securing screw having gone AWOL , but the ribbon cable was disconnected , too .
19 Furthermore , he decided that not only was the distribution market too lumpy in terms of orders , but also margins were too low .
20 The local authority appealed against the orders and sought an interim care order on the grounds that ( 1 ) the justices had erred in law when they had made the order preventing the parents from having contact with each other as contact between adults was not a step which could be taken by a parent in meeting his responsibilities towards his child and thus fell outside the terms of section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 ; ( 2 ) there had been no application for a section 8 order and before exercising powers under section 10(1) ( b ) of the Act of 1989 the justices should have invited the parties to make representations , and the failure to do so was a material irregularity ; ( 3 ) the justices , having found as a fact that the parents had been in continuous contact and there were grounds for believing that the children would suffer harm , had been plainly wrong in refusing to make the interim care order in respect of both children in that they had failed to have regard to the facts that both parents had colluded over injuries to D. , the mother had lied when she had stated that there had been no contact with the father , the father had been in breach of a bail order there had been a violent incident on 23 November 1991 which had involved both parents , the mother had refused to be accommodated with the children in a mother and baby home , and the mother had changed her mind about the adoption of R. ; and ( 4 ) in all the circumstances the order which would have been in the best interests of the children and which the justices should have made was an interim care order .
21 So was the way Nick could relax on his opening two rounds .
22 The word computer was peculiar , and so was the word Creator , for her father would never say God , but always Creator , as if he wanted to limit God 's significance to his engineering activity .
23 My father was anxious , so was the Rev Vera Brazier of Rye Congregational Church , in Sussex .
24 So was the health service safe in our hands ?
25 I 'll tell him or anyone , and I meant it , so he started on about this night at the bowling club , but it was his actions Joy , I want to know who 's coming , we need to know , I thought but why 's he fucking boss me about on my private time , anyway to cut a long story short they booked all this night out and I watched and I waited I thought let them clock that I 'm not going , so then comes a phone call , David was in the bottom office so was the letter shark , and this phone call came over and David shouted up to all of us on the machine who 's going on Thursday night ?
26 So was the post office .
27 Our agent was killed , so was the town registrar .
28 Inside was a gold wedding ring and on the locket itself , the name ‘ Agnes ’ . ’
29 Inside was a gold chain bracelet with a blue enamel disc and the initials ‘ F ’ and ‘ G ’ entwined .
30 But inside was a crystal ball , a witch ball , old goldy glass with a fountain of trapped bubbles .
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