Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 If only he believed in her , could n't they together submerge themselves in the waters of Eden and be renewed for all time ?
2 Churchill , the First Sea Lord and England 's hero , could only describe it in the House on October 17 as ‘ a remarkable exploit of skill and daring ’ .
3 Which is sold everywhere today , you could only buy it in a chemist shop , tea .
4 But as Celia says , the trouble is that so many people , they will only buy it in a year .
5 Yet I can only picture her in the posture of Candice Riberon in Le Métro lying on her back , her face caught in an agony of uncertain provenance .
6 ‘ If the weather 's dry and if you do n't mind how you treat your car — or maybe you could only do it in a jeep , I 've never tried it .
7 If I have to lose it , I 'll only do it in the ring .
8 The Leith-based Small , 19 , who reached the last 16 of the 1992 Embassy World Championship , said : ‘ This is my last event of the season , but I have still learned a great deal and I 'm sure it can only benefit me in the years to come . ’
9 Was this a habit he had grown into over the years or had he always been like this , turning his wife into an invalid before there was any real need , a man who could only see himself in a solicitous relationship with other people ?
10 But that line is a difficult one to draw , and some traders or lenders may inadvertently draw it in the wrong place .
11 Derrida argues that though history is given the form of a totality by Hegel , his Aufhebung shows that in order to achieve that totality it must constantly transcend itself in a movement of excess .
12 I 'm not saying we all had it together but you say you can er say that about four of 'em would then as that as that they got rid of it the other the others 'd get it you know eventually and th we 'd all have it in the end .
13 The verderers ' familiarity with the district from earlier years could only serve them in a general way , for the woodland paths varied from season to season .
14 Shadows enable light to manifest itself and give it objective reality , just as wisdom can only manifest itself in the face of ignorance .
15 Put the rest of them , I mean , i , i , i , in the storage binder or you know , or you can obviously put them in the active binder if you want to do .
16 If you feel very strongly that the background to the Unit 's formation needs to be set out , I could perhaps draft it in the form of an ( again brief ) annexe .
17 The records management staff could no longer only involve themselves in the review of paper records they should also safeguard electronic records from inappropriate destruction .
18 We learned a great deal from those matches and this can only help us in the future , ’ he said .
19 Yeah , but they were all like that , they 'd all stab you in the back .
20 Most dogs come from warm , dry , quiet houses and to suddenly find themselves in a noisy , cold , wet concrete kennels is unkind .
21 However wise and fairminded we are , anyone can suddenly find themselves in a fight for which they 've never bargained .
22 So it was a gun that was only , you 'd only find it in a building ?
23 Anyway , I went into it to basically find who in the fuck I was , and what it comes down to is having a wank every five minutes of every day .
24 Although not profitable in the first year of acquisition , BMK with its complementary customer base and very different range of production equipment , will greatly strengthen us in the longer term .
25 But surely you can just defrost it in the microwave ?
26 Unlikely , say the drinks companies : given its penchant for regulation , the EC would soon bury them in a pile of new directives .
27 He could quite easily accomplish it in a public place of that sort because everyone 's attention is drawn away from the area where you were sitting .
28 She could more easily picture him in a Maserati .
29 Otherwise I will just do it in a different colour , a different
30 Referring to the burden which subsidies placed on the state budget , Ben Ali said that " we can no longer do nothing in the face of the growth of the compensation costs , which alone absorb one-quarter of state expenditure " .
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