Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I can only laugh at Rachel now .
2 Naturally a lot of people are scared witless of getting on Microsoft 's blacklist and will only cooperate under subpoena rather than appear to be volunteering information .
3 She said — or I heard — that we should only fall in love once , that it was an experience of such profound significance that to repeat it would be to devalue it .
4 I say , the reason I think I had bad dreams , recently , in the last sort of three nights , is because they 're the three nights I went swimming early , so I thought I better go to bed early .
5 Does , does that mean you can only go in winter here ?
6 But it does n't all go on bills though does it ?
7 And some of it I can only get in Stowmarket anyway because it 's heavy .
8 But it would all come under Newcastle really , because it was a parish .
9 Oh man , I 'd better get to California soon , while the transplant people still have something to work on .
10 Well matey , you 'd better write to Vicky then !
11 The growth of er , Information Technology in mounting information is required at member level and chief officer level has indeed been enormous over these years , and does not necessarily reflect in reductions elsewhere .
12 The adventurers had better talk with Gerd reasonably quickly .
13 Batteries will also slowly discharge with time so do n't re-use old ones unless a test under load shows them to be okay .
14 You see , he does n't just speak to us for small talk , he does n't just speak to while away the time with , with conversation .
15 Shall I just look past Matthew instead of trying to look through him !
16 They had bought them in the local sex shop in the hope of saving the money they would normally spend on E. So what were they like ?
17 The concession will not therefore normally apply to rights already granted under an approved employee share scheme .
18 Perhaps it was because she went to an early Mass to have breakfast ready for them when they returned ; but she did n't like lying in bed in the mornings anyway , and as he had said many times ( admittedly without great enthusiasm ) they could quite easily go to Mass together , and wait a lit–de longer for breakfast .
19 The builder could no longer rely on eye alone ; the Renaissance was a time for an order based on detailed knowledge .
20 ‘ No , you should be all right , ’ he agreed , his smile still in place , ‘ but you 'd best leave after lunch tomorrow to give yourself plenty of time — just in case you get side-tracked , ’ he added , tongue-in-cheek .
21 What , now , of Falkenhayn 's promise that the infantry would just walk into Verdun once the artillery had done its stuff ?
22 It was noted that SPLA forces had been weakened both by internal divisions [ see pp. 38426 ; 38666 ] and by the May 1991 change of government in Ethiopia , which had meant that they could no longer operate from bases there .
23 ‘ Well , if you did n't put it under my door yourself , maybe you 'd better just check with Reception downstairs . ’
24 If the rot is accessible one can generally arrange for ventilation anyway .
25 Erm perhaps I could would it , I wonder if you could just expand on stealth exactly what the er
26 He did n't usually think of Margaret so much when he was away , but the whole thing had him on edge .
27 You can always buy at auction later .
28 There are many ways of calculating the APR , but it should always take into account upfront fees , which building societies do n't usually charge .
29 Believe me , nobody will ever hear of Hyde again . ’
30 Nevertheless , mammals that have had the whole of area 17 removed surgically can still engage in non-reflex visually guided behaviour .
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