Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The aims of the project , which are discussed in more detail in Chapter Two , were to provide flexible ‘ packages ’ of supplementary home support to dementia sufferers , in addition to the statutory health and social services and the non-statutory services normally available , and to test whether , given this service , it is possible cost-effectively to sustain such people at home for longer than is usually possible with support only from existing forms of health and social service ; to explore the circumstances in which the dementia sufferers could cost-effectively be sustained at home , and to examine the circumstances in which it was not possible to sustain them ; that is , to identify the limits to care .
2 The ability of members successfully to perform practical activities in collaboration with others is what makes the social world possible .
3 In analysing the new acting Ferguson was nearer the mark when he suggested that the movies were now coming up with richer and more vital people but Daugherty 's comments serve to remind us that techniques and styles which should have been feeding into a new cinema of experimentation and realism were being used rather to bolster old conventions of melodrama .
4 It is not proposed to include such software in the current program , but rather to treat this instrument as an intelligent data gatherer and use mainframe facilities to assess the results .
5 Powerful voluntary organisations such as MENCAP ( the Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults ) and the Spastics Society have helped to raise political and public awareness of the needs of children with disabilities and have fought hard and on the whole successfully to secure better services for them and for their families .
6 His home in Majorca had been built not only for his own retirement but as somewhere to provide temporary refuge for disadvantaged children .
7 The lack of ambition in the output of slapstick comedies , innocuous romances and bland dramas from BIP demonstrated Maxwell 's willingness to accept the economic constraints of British film production , while doing little to encourage new approaches to low-budget filmmaking .
8 Norm referenced measures of learning , always a dominant , presently an overbearing , influence on the education scene , do little to encourage this approach to human development in both student and teacher populations .
9 The process is used commercially to obtain drinkable water from sea water .
10 As the name suggests , these Guidelines are not intended to be binding or prescriptive , but rather to provide impartial guidance for the perplexed .
11 The ACDA text reported that the main areas of continuing disagreement between the negotiating teams consisted of ( i ) definitions of and counting rules covering air-launched cruise missiles ( ALCMs ) : the USA wished only to include nuclear-armed missiles with a range in excess of 1,500 km with the assumption that a specified average number of missiles be attributed to each bomber , while the Soviet Union included " dual-capable " ( conventional/nuclear ) missiles with a range in excess of 600 km with the assumption that the maximum number of missiles be attributed to each type of bomber ; ( ii ) whether submarine-launched cruise missiles ( SLCMs ) should be limited under START ( or under a separate agreement , as had been suggested by the USA ) and if so whether on-site SLCM verification procedures should be deployed ( as the Soviet Union was suggesting ) or " non-binding declarations ' of numbers be issued ( as proposed by the USA ) ; and ( iii ) a " ban on the production , flight testing or modernization " of existing types of heavy ICBMs ( suggested by the USA ) , although a ban on new missile development was agreed , as were warhead and missile sub-limits in this category .
12 ‘ And I hope we 're both mature enough to treat each other with civility and respect for the few remaining days we 're forced to spend together . ’
13 You should do this only to compare one beer with another or one wine with another .
14 It also must be remembered er that the transport links to Easingwold would not be good enough to support that level of development , it does not have a rail station and it does it , and the A nineteen is only a single carriageway road , and would need ld need isagree with Mr Jewitt upon re 1
15 To judge from the surviving traces , this applies more especially to communities which in the course of the last five millennia have dragged themselves from the morass of primitive communism and set their feet on ground firm enough to support civilized ways of life .
16 We 're talking about hundreds , not thousands here because there are six hundred clubs , so we 're talking , but I think though we , we hope to be able to give significant amounts of money to pay for perhaps safety boats , perhaps instructors , perhaps rescue boat fuel , enough to kick-start these courses off which is important and those forms are going out at the end of the week and when the money 's gone we 'll stop giving the grants out .
17 Viscount Palmerston had taken over as Prime Minister by then only to lose that position to Lord Derby again but only for a year , as the Liberals were able to take control of Parliament in 1859 , with Viscount Palmerston remaining as Prime Minister until 1865 , during which period many changes took place .
18 He is optimistic enough to see some point in directing , harnessing or tempering the largely commercial forces behind the 100-mile city , but not in ignoring them .
19 Dr Gary Coles has designed a sensor accurate enough to monitor tiny changes in exhaust gases given off while the vehicle is being driven .
20 One of the problems that the Conservative government faced in the 1980s was that it depended on over 400 local authorities in England alone to implement large parts of its policies , for example housing , education and social services .
21 It was as though his mind was disposed only to preserve enough details of his history to make the present plausible .
22 The train was large enough to carry one boy on the engine , with one in each truck .
23 At first it was difficult enough to claim single-sex space for girls ( and maintaining it still is n't easy ) , and to challenge the male resistance and violence that often ensued .
24 She ate as directed by Taggy , and made no fuss when that dame looked after her much as she had herself done for her deceased employer — nursing her and acting as lady 's maid , and combing out her troublesome copper hair , until Theda felt strong enough to perform this office for herself .
25 Among Easton 's section police ‘ common sense ’ subsumes all competences , being an indexical category flexible enough to include different sorts of skills , all of which are described as constituting common sense .
26 ‘ The Prime Minister has shown herself completely unfit not only to attend any conference on human rights anywhere , but even to utter the very words . ’
27 Politically , relations remained tense for much of this middle period , sufficiently so to affect economic links between England and France , and England was allied with the semi-independent feudatories of the French Crown , Burgundy and Brittany , on a number of occasions until they were absorbed into the lands of the Valois dynasty in 1477 and 1492 respectively .
28 And in cases which merit protection , if that is still not enough to induce voluntary investment of funds offered by the national investment bank there is again a prima facie case for nationalisation .
29 Heath 's revived corporatism in the early 1970s crumpled with the miners ' strikes and the OPEC price explosion , while the Labour government of the late 1970s was able only to breathe intermittent life into a system of corporate direction which powerful producer-groups and multinational companies in the so-called ‘ meso-economy ’ were both undermining .
30 I suggest that doctors should end the battle of faith and stand together to assure continued supply of animal insulin for those who need or want it .
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