Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Another officer was called , and I was carried away , with much clanking of keys , eventually to find myself in a small room , where I was dumped in a negligent way on a table .
2 ‘ She had spirit enough to fling herself from the tower to be free of you .
3 Of great importance was the real incentive to [ Bunn ] not only to dis-embarrass himself of a thoroughly unsatisfactory debtor by getting a guarantee secured by a charge on a registered property , but also of producing a satisfactory answer to the awkward interest being shown by those at London Head Office .
4 THE story goes that many centuries ago some fishermen in the South China Sea were driven north by a typhoon , but were fortunate enough to find themselves in a splendid natural harbour protected by a large island .
5 He had fled the invading Germans , only to find himself in a society he hated for its philistinism and prudery .
6 Their house , Carceri , is a complex world of ancient stone galleries and courtyards , with weird ( and scheduled ) spiral staircases that you go up only to find yourself on the floor below the one you started on — an old dungeon perched among the treetops on a hillside overlooking the city , which they found by a miracle , and had converted .
7 In fact there was precious little to rely on in the unconscious unless the product was good enough to sell itself to the conscious senses , in which case the unconscious appeal was superfluous .
8 But if that was the case and doctors told me I would have to stop drinking , I 'd like to think I 'd be brave enough to drink myself into the grave .
9 That recent ideas about immunosuppressive drugs , auto-immune syndromes and tumour viruses should join together to express themselves as a disease seems only to be expected .
10 She wanted only to rid herself of the blocks Ewan had inflicted on her and lose herself in a new future .
11 Anyone daft enough to chuck themselves off a cliff — ’
12 A seventeen year old , bright and intelligent enough to put herself on an equal footing with her father .
13 This enables a community of humans to cooperate in working together to protect themselves against the worst effects of nature , and to obtain greater security than would otherwise be possible .
14 They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind .
15 Pedro Fernández Dittus was not , however , required to spend time in detention but merely to present himself to the authorities once a week .
16 The influence of Community law is steadily expanding , so that each member State is increasingly having to adjust its thinking to accommodate principles and rules derived from other legal systems within the Community and thus to acclimatize itself to a less nationalistic approach to law .
17 There is a moral here for some of the older spectator sports , wondering how best to sell themselves in a gimmicky TV age .
18 To be a recipient is normally to put oneself in a subordinate position .
19 Two terrified passers-by , caught in the middle of the second blast at Cateaton Street , try desperately to shield themselves from the force of the explosion as they are engulfed by billowing smoke .
20 I was just to present myself at the right time on the due date , when he would honour his promise to see me .
21 In the end I pretended to be worried that I had left my bicycle lamp on and dashed outside to relieve myself in a flower-bed .
22 There is plenty of opportunity for the general sense of ambiguity discussed above to manifest itself at the level of individual projects .
23 She was about to say something when he turned away to introduce himself to the girl on his right .
24 The animal , sensing a new danger , shook its horns furiously to free itself from the encumbrance , and the already unconscious senator was catapulted into the thorns , where he lay without moving .
25 MEMBERS of the radical black Pan Africanist Congress were told by their leader yesterday to brace themselves for a bitter struggle as they celebrated the 33rd anniversary of the Sharpeville massacre with a fiery demonstration of militancy in the township where the killings occurred .
26 To many Churchill was not so much a buccaneer as a straightforward pirate , a political outcast who skated on thin ice deliberately to keep himself in the public eye , a man who polished brilliant and wounding phrases that tacitly suggested himself as the alternative should his jeremiads turn out true .
27 He had also come to respect Irina for her ability so rapidly to transform herself into a reasonably well-dressed , reasonably good-looking girl .
28 For the Conservative party which is in essence a party of power , huge historic perspective , huge experience of power , ever to get itself in a position where it 's perceived to be struggling to the point of self destruction , would have its political consequences and they would be dire .
29 He may know that the vehicle has been taken , but seek positively to absent himself from the scene and the commission of the aggravated offence .
30 This behavioural plasticity and mental agility , optimized as always in the young , began sooner or later to express itself in a new mode of subsistence , namely , hunting .
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