Example sentences of "[adv] [vb mod] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 If a band can work that little bit harder to be more original , someone somewhere should start to be interested in their music .
2 So let's pretend to be fitting in with that . ’
3 The seeds chewed prevent a feeling of hunger , so would appear to be an excellent weight-reducer .
4 That this is so would appear to be an entirely " political " judgement rather than a technological one .
5 To insist that that is so would seem to be a hard claim to substantiate .
6 Also , the slow course of the disease implied that any drug would have to be given for a long time in order to be effective and so would have to be particularly harmless to patients .
7 The FASB rule applies only to assets held for trading ; the bulk of insurers ' assets are long-term investments , and so will continue to be shown at their historic value .
8 It thus may need to be understood , incidentally , more strictly than its original proponent intended .
9 Men who could use these things comfortably would have to be three metres tall , and when they came I really did n't want to be there .
10 I just would like to be a respected actress .
11 which just would need to be you know , as I call it , personalized a little bit more .
12 These are all parts of the switch-on mechanism because the switch-on mechanism depends upon a decent organization employing decent people and treating them as we individually would wish to be treated .
13 Elsewhere will seem to be er will seem to be a little bit cheaper to the purchasing authorities .
14 Mr Bell says : ‘ We are gravely concerned about the incident and have taken steps to ensure that , by additional training and regular monitoring , the safety of schoolchildren at the pools and swimmers generally will continue to be of the highest priority . ’
15 Admittedly the difference between understanding from inside and explaining from outside will seem to be pretty thin , if beliefs and desires can appear in scientific explanations .
16 Coming home so early might seem to be confronting Moran .
17 Yes , I still would like to be in the house , but
18 Glumness apart , he nonetheless would like to be thought of as a comic writer and indeed , though its themes are class , race and sex , what most impresses about The Buddha of Suburbia is that it is full of humour .
19 ‘ If there is to be talk of a pool of ability , it must be a pool which surpasses the widow 's cruse in the Old Testament , in that when more is taken for higher education in one generation more will tend to be available in the next . ’
20 " I sure would hate to be in heaven ! " 9 .
21 We also would like to be a general interest railway society .
22 Theoretically one can have the best materials taught by the best teachers , but although a number of films have been made , and probably will continue to be made , they have not had the success that was expected of them in the fifties .
23 This proved to be a serious mis-calculation when the opportunity came at Barnsley Park in 1961 , which also will have to be told elsewhere .
24 I 'm just like my mum , when it comes down to it , That 's why I quite admired Auntie Muriel , in a guarded sort of way I 'd think , I really should try to be like her , she was so content , nothing ever fazed her , I did n't want to be a farmer , understand , but I did n't want to be like mum either , tied to a feckless man , trying to keep him and me , having to hustle all the time to stop from sinking I fancied myself on a corporate asteroid , settling down with someone who would cherish me and buy me everything I wanted Carmen and her crew had the same ideas , even if they acted like they were going to be bad girls for ever ,
25 ‘ Say a prayer for us ’ I asked , ‘ I really would like to be married , but I would also like HMS Western to put up a decent show . ’
26 The main election battleground now would seem to be the political interviews on television .
27 Now would seem to be a good time to buy PCs , but there could well be a certain amount of hassle before your new wonder computer is up and running properly .
28 The nearest supply of that now will have to be flown in from Rockhampton . ’
29 Adjustments will almost certainly have to be made to secure the agreement of individual partners who are asked to make concessions : guaranteed consultancies for partners who reach retirement age or preferential profit sharing etc may need to be introduced .
30 Although they do not seem to have been familiar with the work of Saussure , Wimsatt and Brooks here might appear to be approaching his principle that the meaning of words is purely conventional and arbitrary .
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