Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] you [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 Okay so although you say you 've finished your differentiation exam
2 You then consult that on the screen and print it out only if you think you are going to want to look up the same word again .
3 There have been dozens , perhaps hundreds of novels , however , written about the great mysteries of crime from the Constance Kent case of the 1860s to the Wallace trial ( The Was-there-a-Mr-Qualtrough case ) of 1931 to the mystery of who killed the Princes in the Tower , a subject to choose only if you think you can beat the redoubtable Josephine Tey at her own game in her classic The Daughter of Time .
4 Well we have production course you have made your appointment to see Mr and Mrs who are existing clients of , you will now conduct the first appointment starting with greeting and appropriate sociability which is the first part of step one , through to producing the C C Q and then further copy pages two and four of the attached C C Q in your booklet , so two and four are er we 've got four and two , the personal details and may be the wrong way round there , so it 's advisable to say you complete the first part of it , page two and then the employment details okay , so you doing a little bit of exploring there so if you like you can be doing all of step one and a little bit of step two , buying in this particular role playing .
5 And then it just depended , it 's up to you to get yourself so if you know you 're going , well say I was doing Hayes .
6 We are now opening the group to new members , so if you think you might be interested come to Wesley House , 4 Wild Court , London WC2 on Feb 16 at 2 pm .
7 Your bill will tell you what band you 're in so if you think you 're entitled to any discounts and these are n't shown on your bill , just pick up the phone and call the Action Team they 'll put you through to someone who knows exactly what street you live in and what tax you should pay .
8 So if you think you 're harder than Scwarzenneger or meaner than Bond this may be the game for you .
9 CCG people is YOUR newspaper , so if you think you have got something that may be of interest , please write to us .
10 And you 're supposed to try and link it with bigger groups of children , so if you say you say you 've got primary skills
11 So if you decide you want to some er eight per cent
12 a mate of mine said dead right , she said now , were not used to doing this she said so if you feel you have n't had a fair crack at the whip
13 The could be if you pop yourself there , he sits there and she sits there , you 're asking him a question , he 's not sure , he looks at her , so if you look you ca n't see what you 're doing , you want to be able to maintain eye contact with them both , yeah , one of the effective ways , well they 're going to be aware of the layout of the living room , this is their , this is their stage .
14 Develop good habits like keeping records : cheque book stubs , credit card dockets , receipts , and a proper filing system so that you can see your outgoings at a glance — and take corrective action early by spending less if you find you 're not sticking to your budget .
15 ‘ Maybe by tomorrow you 'll come to realise the folly of your actions , especially if you find you 've no job to go back to . ’
16 So provided you feel you could give a happy , stable home to a child and , like the adoption agencies , put the child first , there is no reason why you should n't go ahead .
17 ‘ Then it wo n't be long before you wish you had , ’ he answered , turning his back on her .
18 Apparently when you imagine you 're going up you 're actually coming down , and vice versa .
19 Much as you said you were .
20 After all it is bad enough when you think you know what ought to be done , and instead it is decided to do something quite different .
21 So when you retired you came to live here , was that it ?
22 So when you say you went through , what what did you go through before you embarked on on surrogacy ?
23 So when you say you used to go up to the pool .
24 Obviously when you budget you have to allow the most money for the rooms you arc actually going to live in , but once you have decided on what cash is available you must turn considerable thought and care — if not money — to making your hall as warm and welcoming and practical as you can .
25 One you trust more easily than you find you can trust me ? ’
26 Just cos you thought you were go
27 You , you apologized for lateness the only thing I wonder on there is er you know it 's ea it 's easy enough to say that you did n't actually sort of clarify the time that you were gon na be there , you just accepted that you were late erm but I mean that 's a you know ju just a point I wonder that rather than apologizing straight of all , straight , straight away if you knew you were late then that was one thing that perhaps you could 've got that in the initial greeting .
28 Erm certainly I think all of our quarry , the quarry , I think we were overwhelmed with the support because it was really in our place that the dispute started and a lot of other people who I 'd spoken to you know they they were amazed at the support we received and , seemed to be the shyer the people you know the , some of the lads they never spoke much at lodge meetings , but after a while they 'd be getting up and saying their pieces and , you know I think it 's just because you knew you had backing , and people helping and urging you on , advising you , and the union helping and you know they leant over backwards in various fields to help us .
29 And then he replied that well just because you think you 're not blind , then you must be
30 Just because you think you 're coming into your prime you little pipsqueak .
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