Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] it will [be] " in BNC.

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1 Mythopoeic thinking will fade away because it will be seen to be , as Max Muller called it , " a disease of language " .
2 If management , as usually conceived , attempts to mediate this role it will either fail utterly because it will be excluded by the people involved , or it will have distorting effects which can only be dysfunctional .
3 ‘ It will be up to you how much you participate , just as it will be up to you how far you are prepared to go in our health and safety campaigns . ’
4 While , on the face of it , his case might rest on its being detrimental to his career to suggest that he is at death 's door , it seems likely that much of the evidence , especially for the defence , will be called to no other purpose than to establish whether , to put it mor euphemistically than it will be put in court , he has been putting himself about .
5 Erm as I 've said strictly because it will be to it will be uncompetitive within the , with with within the internal market .
6 Now whether it will be thirty two pound if they go together maybe only be sixteen .
7 However , it goes further than that and implies a lack of awareness of the need for conservation , of future private benefits for individual households and the village ( or larger local community ) as a whole , leading to a failure to mobilise people to give their labour for construction ( even when it will be paid for ) , for maintenance work , and for enforcement where discipline is required ( to control lopping of small seedlings , to exclude livestock from reafforested and other areas and so on ) .
8 That does not mean the council tax is particularly unfair , even though it will be a burden on many householders .
9 Few people in the department see this split as being very real at the moment , particularly as it will be some time before budgets are devolved .
10 Indeed it is this inaccuracy that leads to its often being called a circadian clock ( from the latin , circa — about ; diem — a day ) If it is correctly timed one day , it will be approximately 1 hour late the next , about 2 hours late the day after that , and so on until it will be ‘ useful ’ again after about 3 weeks .
11 ‘ Another large foreign entry can be expected again as it will be one of the last competitions before the Barcelona Olympics , ’ explained Michael Tucker .
12 Once the routine is established the dog is unlikely to vary its habits significantly as it will be attracted back to the scent .
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