Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] it [be] in " in BNC.

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1 That is not just because inflation is raging less fiercely than it was in the early 1980s , but also because of improvements in the way the labour market works .
2 Academic analysts are unanimous that the British press is highly partisan , even if it is less so than it was in the last century and even though proprietors are strongly profit-motivated .
3 Now obviously if it 's in a school laboratory it 's under closely controlled supervised conditions and that 's what we 're concerned about .
4 Er obviously if it was in decline , terminal decline then your income and your capital would fall as well .
5 Only if it 's in there .
6 The game from that period looks just as it did when the original agreement was concluded — because of the infinite horizon assumption every subgame is identical to the original game — and so if it was in the firms ' interests to negotiate that agreement initially it will be in their interests now to renegotiate that agreement .
7 Yeah , so if it were in the dictionary , I mean I know you able to turn to the
8 fairly reflective in places , especially if it 's in French , it 'll do qu it 'll be sort of quite quiet .
9 Napoleon III 's ministers had worked hard to bring about the visit — not merely because it was in support of the Emperor 's policy but also , it was hoped , to distract him from his privately announced intention of himself going to the Crimea .
10 It makes sense for this alternative establishment to be pro-European , not only because it is in tune with the music Jacques Delors is making , but because it sees Brussels as a counterpoise to London.This is why it has been pointless to question the sincerity of Kinnock 's conversion to Europe .
11 And it stays put , not only because it 's in a tight squeeze , but because the microscopic sliced-through cells all around the cork 's perimeter act as an army of suction pads .
12 I do n't think so because it 's in the main street called street and I was taken over the first day .
13 It 's not so long since it was in the United States and er I 'm quite shocked really , but I 'm er I mean Manchester did a terrific job really .
14 I wish to thank Andrew and Margaret Hewson , my literary agents , for their unfailing support and their honest and constructive criticisms throughout the writing of this sequence ; and also Sylvia Kantaris , who read Lying Together while it was in progress and offered excellent suggestions .
15 ‘ They show that a major capital investment , amounting to £160 million in current prices , did not produce much physics and should have been closed long before it was in 1977 . ’
16 Hardy 's study , reconstructed in the County Museum in Dorchester along with other memorabilia , loses none of its fascination after repeated visits , and the splendid High Street remains in its outline much as it was in Hardy 's lifetime .
17 erm One very important house is erm what is now the Newman Mobray Bookshop , and that of course is still very much as it was in the 17th Century .
18 This has now become particularly important , since recent laws have made the disturbance or destruction of a badger sett illegal , so long as it is in regular use .
19 Therefore , N-Oct 5 protein probably can inhibit only when it is in large excess to N-Oct 3 .
20 Only when it was in the net did I realise what size it was and it weighed 26 ob 8 oz , ’ added John who went on to bank five other pike , two of 8 lb 8 oz , and others of 10 lb , 11lb and 14 lb .
21 It 's hot enough as it is in this place .
22 I was criticised for this at times , but still think I was right to do so as it was in line with association policy .
23 She 's well used to aiming right on the mark in her work , but admits she needs a little more practice when it comes to a dart board , especially when it 's in front of an audience of millions on Bullseye .
24 All this , I say , giving my gloss , can be read — and more particularly seen and heard , since Heseltine 's manner and presence carry their own conviction — as the utterance of a man demonstrating that he has been in the wilderness longer than it is in anyone 's interest .
25 No well do n't look , you wo n't be able to see anyway because it 's in a bag
26 Erm and I will bring it to you finally when it 's in a form to be adopted as the procedure which this board will use erm either , you know , or delegate er the chief executive to use in the case of any appointments .
27 This is the case in most spheres of public and private management and administration ( eg civil service , commerce and industry ) , just as it is in public relations , sales-promotion and the media .
28 It is clearly dangerous to be too sweeping about the type of support which fascism received , for the evidence is far too diffuse and fragmentary , but it would be fair to accept Wal Hannington 's point that the allegiance to the trade unions and the Labour Party prevented the working class and the unemployed being attracted to fascism though he felt that , ‘ Every locality where the unemployed remain unorganized is a potential breeding-ground for this country , just as it was in Germany . ’
29 And if national sentiment in the other , France , was initially a response to the threat from England , just as it was in Scotland , there was no doubt of France 's position by the end of the fifteenth century ; the dazzling army and glittering artillery train which Charles VIII led down through the length of Italy in 1494 — for no good reason other than that a young king , with a well-stuffed treasury , would naturally use his wealth to win military renown — symbolized in the most spectacular manner what this kingdom , so recently weakened by war and internal dissension , had now become .
30 You will see flour being milled here just as it was in Captain Cook 's day .
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