Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] i thought [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Better than I thought it would be .
2 Often , I would n't bother to try things on — I 'd look at the price tag and think ‘ I 've got to have this , ’ especially if I thought it was a ‘ bargain ’ I might not see again .
3 I was offered a cup of tea and stayed ten minutes longer than I thought I 'd be .
4 And just when I thought everything was changing for the better .
5 You had to stand and have the clothes made on you , and just when I thought they looked wonderful , she 'd go RIP ! and snatch a whole sleeve off .
6 All the horror of my childhood experience with the escaped convict had come back to me , just when I thought it was safe to forget it .
7 Just when I thought it could n't get any better the Turkish police steamed in a chinned Big Nose and Bryan ‘ As I say ’ Knobson .
8 Just when I thought I was being so enabling .
9 ’ Describing to Louise the heroic quest for style that Madame Bovary represents ( April 19th , 1852 ) , he explains : ‘ How many times have I fallen flat on my face , just when I thought I had it within my grasp .
10 I will always love you , more than I thought it was possible to love anyone .
11 She was so obviously upset by the break-up that I asked her out to lunch to cheer her up , and I asked her home because I thought my mother and sister might help her .
12 I tried getting him slimmer once as I thought it might help him to jump even better , but it did n't suit him .
13 It was late in the afternoon now , later than I thought it would be , and shadows were long on the grass before us , so that by the time we 'd travelled the leafy lane to Flanders Hall and had followed the road past the Grange to West Burton village green , it was early evening .
14 A dress I , I sent off for two sizes , I 'm glad I did now because I thought you know that the small one would be okay for them , but it 's not , there 's the hat
15 A week later , Mrs Viney looked at the heap by the back door and said , ‘ There 's more coal here than I thought there was . ’
16 I did like Esmerelda ( even if I thought her name was a bit soppy ) and played with her a lot when she came to stay .
17 So in some way I must have passed on my fear to my children , even though I thought I was doing everything in my power to avoid doing so .
18 Even though I thought I was becoming immune to surprises from this species , what happened came as something of a shock .
19 Joanna Trollope , with The Men and the Girls ( Black Swan ) , is new to my Giants section but she is already there a year earlier than I thought she would be , which is wonderful .
20 And yet when is it , when were you working there because I thought you said you 'd finished .
21 It was n't really as hard as I thought it would be .
22 When Bill and Kevin and I looked at how we could cope with appraisal in our division , the numbers did n't work out as badly at least as I thought they were going to originally .
23 So would you mind describing how you got it up there again cos I thought it was quite a good story .
24 I re do regret that this has come to full council yet again because I thought we 'd already had the debate .
25 I put my arms around her and hugged her , but I did n't kiss her again because I thought I might cry .
26 Not as cold not as cold yet as I thought it was going to be .
27 You can not conceive of the feelings that consumed me when I understood — or rather when I thought I understood — why you had come tonight , when you said you wanted to share your happiness with me , wanted to give me something .
28 ‘ I was wrong too when I thought you needed my protection .
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