Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] on [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 There was still enough money and enough going on for a ‘ hot ’ property like Nicholson to walk in and begin making fortunes immediately .
2 THERE was much early enthusiasm from both sides in this senior friendly at Hamilton Park with visitors Portadown just hanging on for a narrow victory .
3 This is not just climbing on to a fashionable band-wagon , it is facing up to the fact that for the first time in the history of our science we are approaching a general theory of the earth .
4 French windows stood open leading on to a strip of highly polished , red tiled terrace .
5 It was like hanging on to a wriggly eel .
6 It was Gazzer , still clinging on like a monkey and kicking out at Simon , who was dragging him back .
7 Toddlers often rose on their toes , held their legs stiffly , and rocked back and forth holding on to a piece of furniture or onto the parent .
8 Occasionally they walk upright along a branch , grasping it with their toes but always holding on to a branch above their heads with their hands .
9 The revenue obtained a huge sum of money which they had no right to demand and they are now hanging on to a very large amount of interest which they have no moral right to retain .
10 I do n't believe that you have any idea of what 's really going on in a country or culture until you live there .
11 Mrs Willmot was now going on about a film evening in October : ‘ I thought you could lay on some nature things — I know that 's your forte . ’
12 This programme is now moving on to a consideration of the functions of government departments themselves , with proposals to privatise large swathes of government activities , leaving a small , central policy-making core in Whitehall .
13 Q plans to put out the final part of his novel on video with the narration over Super 8 footage shot by Don Letts , before issuing a DEADMEAT ‘ remix ’ mass-market edition , and then moving on to a new book to be called Supermodel and concerned with , well , supermodels .
14 ‘ Well , actually , this is such a beautiful place , I was thinking of maybe staying on for a few extra days , ’ she invented hastily , knowing her mother would worry herself silly if she knew the half of it — let alone that her car had packed up .
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