Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [det] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This requirement arises only where such a person demands to know the name and address of the proprietor and not otherwise .
2 The next five months less than half a year af the next five months after that right ?
3 He sensed the growing tension in Mariana and felt her turn her head so that she could no longer see the wall of cloud less than half a mile to their left .
4 The former RAF engineer died in the arms of a passing motorist less than half a mile from his home in Witney , Oxfordshire .
5 The car that forced Chrissie Stone off the road was dumped outside the Underground station , less than half a mile away from the crash . ’
6 Having found the right house in the most perfect location less than half a mile from the gates of Assisi , she set about transforming it .
7 Yet the contrast that presented itself to me as Edward Thomas described it was dramatic : down in the valley less than half a mile away was a modern colliery with all the latest gadgetry of modern technology , while the hill farmers ( at least some of them ) were still in the Middle Ages — even earlier , as far as their material culture was concerned .
8 Con Fenton 's cottage was less than half a mile away and on my way back to the surgery , on an impulse I pulled up at the door .
9 Slowly , for she could still hear them less than half a mile away , she walked forward into the thick of it .
10 A member of the Royal Family and twenty thousand people were assembled less than half a mile away down wind .
11 If it 's half less than half a mile away then it 's it 's fine but if not it starts to becoming problematical .
12 Some who had tried to steal food from farms behind the Serb lines less than half a mile away had been shot dead .
13 Now equations ( 9.92 ) and ( 9.93 ) show that an open or short-circuited line of length less than half a wavelength can provide any desired reactance or susceptance .
14 It was less than half a gram , and was the first solid polymer of ethylene ever made — to be known as polythene .
15 These problems and questions arise only if such a breach is capable of remedy , which in my judgment it is not .
16 The reason why the doing what a man is already bound to do is no consideration , is not only because such a consideration is in judgment of law of no value , but because a man can hardly be allowed to say that the prior legal obligation was not his determining motive .
17 It takes a few moments to adjust — one moment one is dry , wearing dry swimming trunks and walking about , and the next one is progressively getting wetter ( including the swimming trunks , which somehow seems particularly inappropriate ) — and it 's only when half a length or so has been swum that the whole thing seems ordinary again .
18 Especially when such a rider turns the tables .
19 This is unfortunate for parents , especially when such a diagnosis is made without proper testing for food sensitivity , and without any firm evidence of fabrication .
20 from such a place rather than such a place
21 The publications resulting from these collected data are far too numerous to list individually though such a directory is available .
22 Labour ex-Cabinet minister Lord Healey warned : ‘ Lady Thatcher 's type of nationalism is the greatest single danger to peace in the modern world , and Mr Major 's failure to confront it head-on as such a danger has made a civil war in the government party a danger to Britain and to Europe as whole . ’
23 He is currently involved in negotiations with the Abingdon and London groups of nurses with a view to providing a forum within the RCN through which nurses in clinical research can maintain contact , but could not say exactly when such a forum might the established .
24 I could see no further than half a metre in front of my nose .
25 Fogdoe was more than half a second faster than any of his rivals on the deciding run , with Austrians Thomas Sykora and Hubert Strolz in second and third .
26 It 'd been more than half a year since the Long Drive , and she 'd never taken much notice of mechanical things , but she could n't help thinking the old lorry cab had been a lot less crowded .
27 A.J. Ayer 's Language , Truth and Logic is still a pertinent and readable work , more than half a century after its original publication .
28 ‘ That picture was taken more than half a century ago . ’
29 Within a matter of days some were caught more than half a mile away .
30 They had crossed more than half a mile of open pasture without a trace of cover , expecting every moment some attack that did not come .
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