Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [adj] [conj] she " in BNC.

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1 Transferred to the realm of gender relations , this would describe the state of affairs in which a woman has influence over a man and manipulates his discourses , but is allowed this power only as long as she agrees not to flaunt it and remains in the position of silent partner with no autonomous voice .
2 Massey 's realism is implicit rather than explicit but she remains committed to what looks like a traditional and reflective , rather than revolutionary and transformational , conception of explanation .
3 Miss Rose-Marie , the micro-celebrity , is 35 years old rather than 29 as she claimed ;
4 A suspicion kept niggling at the back of her mind , but she kept pushing it away as more than she could deal with .
5 ‘ I do n't care if she 's called the Quacking Duck just as long as she 's steady , ’ Charlotte replied .
6 He knew , he said , that he was just an ordinary farmer 's son and she was a famous Beauty , known the county over , never a word spoken against her even by the men who bivouacked up in the fells — but he would have no-one else and would wait just as long as she told him to .
7 She was now only a step away from her target , so she was n't far from getting to know him well enough to question him about his allegiance — just as long as she could keep his escort sweet , which would probably mean more bondage if that was the only way he could get his nuts off .
8 Just as long as she knows about the increased risk of her baby getting gastroenteritis with bottle-feeding … ’
9 Things had been ticking along nicely between them , just as long as she 'd been prepared to forget that she wanted more out of the relationship than a roll in the hay and a bright ‘ cheerio ’ at the airport .
10 You 're like your mother in some ways , she did n't care who she hurt , just as long as she got what she wanted .
11 I told her she 's welcome to stay up there just as long as she wants and what she said would n't bear repeating .
12 Can you please ensure their views are passed to Karen as soon as possible so she can tell Bodoni ?
13 Her desires were my only hold over her , so despite her frantic pleas I refused to go any further than finger-fucking until she had signed on the dotted line .
14 ‘ She 'd have been more than concerned if she 'd known what he 'd been up to over the previous few weeks ! ’ said Harris drily .
15 Susan had nursed him tirelessly , and no one had ever heard her complain ; but she would have been more than human if she had not been thankful that her long and exhausting task had come to an end .
16 The allowance he gave Marjorie was more than generous and she would be his sole legatee .
17 A condition to be rectified as quickly as possible if she did n't want to be labelled a freak , or worse .
18 Tomorrow she would go home as early as possible and she would never see him again .
19 She mentally steeled herself for the long evening ahead , but , as it turned out , it was n't nearly as long as she had anticipated because towards the end of the evening she heard a sharp knocking on the door , and opened it to find André standing outside , a huge bunch of flowers in his arms .
20 now erm as well as much as she could she was never in the house and the day that he died she did n't get there on time
21 Well as long as she 's okay .
22 Yet as long as she lived she hoped she would never be obliged to exchange another word with him .
23 He thought he 'd like to see her again as long as she did n't whinge too much about sexism .
24 She sent him a message saying she would never see him again as long as she lived .
25 Charity knew she was n't going to look gorgeous no matter what she did , and deciding she needed all the help she could get to lure in those tips that might hold off personal bankruptcy for three months , she had purchased the skirt and shirt — with six other summery , playful outfits that she would probably never be able to wear again as long as she lived .
26 Ruth explained as briefly as possible that she was trying to get in touch with a relative — the young lady on the right of the group in the picture on page twenty-two .
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