Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] been [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 The family was clearly influential , perhaps having been helped by his brother who was archbishop of Canterbury , and a third brother was an alderman , although he never became mayor .
2 A few miles further down the road they came on a group of Italians with rifles waving at them to stop , obviously having been alerted by the German post .
3 Only part of this extensive cloth and flock mill remains , much having been destroyed by fire .
4 I 've served on that one , and the whole business of the organisation has generally speaking been run by the executive and not by a full council .
5 If a worker-led bid came forward and there were employees within a company who had drive , initiative and new ideas about how it could be run more successfully and provide more services at no cost to the public purse , why should they , in effect , be disqualified without their case ever having been studied by those who are supposed to study the bids ?
6 While all kadis were appointed by the state and received allowances , for example , certainly in the period under review only the most important of the muftis received official appointments or salaries ; and indeed , even the salary of the Mufti of Istanbul , until the very end of the period , was considerably smaller than the allowances ( to say nothing of the income ) of a number of kadis over whom he clearly took precedence , the pattern possibly having been established by the perhaps consciously modest demands made by Fahreddin Acemi .
7 He explained that the young puffin had been found wandering in the village with a damaged wing , probably having been mauled by one of the many cats in the neighbourhood ( most of whom , incidentally , have six toes on each foot ) and he said that he would look after Eyvør for some weeks until it was well enough to be released .
8 The cabinet was in the celebrated Ashburton collection , probably having been acquired by Francis Baring , Third Lord Ashburton ( d.1882 ) on his marriage in 1833 to Hortense Eugenie Claire , daughter of the Duke of Bassano , who may have acquired the cabinet while French Ambassador at Naples in 1793–94 .
9 Laura 's Beau was third last year but has been in rotten form since then having been plagued by blood trouble .
10 Then it had held out against a wave of patriotism among a public which was totally unaware of the reality of modern warfare , never having been touched by it .
11 The Maniots , who trace descent from them , boast of never having been subdued by Slav or Turk .
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