Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [det] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We sat in our little flat recovering from a good dip in the briny channel and slowly eating some of the delicacy .
2 It is difficult to assess the effects of the first true humans in rain forests but it has been argued that the Australian aborigines may have been responsible for the removal of some of the Araucaria forest of tropical Queensland , leading to the advance of Eucalyptus there , as well as locally exterminating much of the megafauna .
3 Inadvertently reflecting some of the new-found ‘ posse ’ mentality , EV 's three writers sing their own songs , diffusing still further the four-square thrust of conventional rock with chiming , circular guitar runs ( a million miles away from indie 's dull scrubbing ) and rueful bass hums .
4 The plot fires off in every direction at once , almost entirely wasting some of a fine ensemble cast ( Maria De Medirios shows up for a couple of close ups and little more ) , introducing sub-plots at the very last minute ( a homosexual love affair between the opera 's leading man and director is inexplicably absent from the rest of the movie ) and turning from light comedy to an intense marital drama with no warning .
5 The aircraft continued in a wide arc , during which time the wings and the engine were torn off , apparently absorbing much of the energy .
6 Do n't forget that we are not necessarily recommending any of the therapies mentioned but we would like to hear how you get on if you try any of them .
7 ‘ It is bad enough doing that to the uninitiated , but to do it to the Secretary of State is really beyond the pale — it 's quite pathetic . ’
8 One woman said : ‘ They are obviously doing this with the children in mind .
9 Alarmed at this sight , and with the smell , which came principally from the cerecloth , they ordered the ground to be thrown in immediately without judiciously closing up the cerecloth and lead , which covered the face : only observing enough of the inscription to convince them that it was the body of Queen Katherine .
10 I 'm only doing this as a big favour .
11 I know that but I 'm only doing this as a favour , and I 've got ta really go out of my way to get this piece of wood .
12 His parents welcomed him , assuming he was back for an indefinite stay and perhaps interpreting this as a change of heart .
13 Subsequent study , while not necessarily endorsing all of the ‘ incremental thesis , ’ has been directed towards understanding which factors an official will take into account .
14 In particular , this project seeks to develop a single data model in which attribute and topographic geometry are stored under the same relational architecture — so avoiding many of the shortcomings of systems utilising independent structures for attribute data and their spatial references .
15 So putting those on the graph , you 've got minus one , minus three .
16 If authoritarian welfare states fulfilled these atavistic needs in the Neolithic , there is every reason to believe that they could still do so today ; and certainly there is much evidence to show that modern police states , far from merely fulfilling some of the same psychological functions , even mimic their Neolithic forerunners in the details of their ritual and symbolism , and certainly seem to evolve their own thorough-going political religions .
17 They followed her out of the factory and round to the back of the minibus where Sybil and the driver were already helping some of the group to alight .
18 Early water-colours show him already using some of the techniques of miniature painting , and the scale and meticulous detail of all his work suggest that he was truly a miniaturist at heart .
19 Well I suppose he might have asked some of the fitters , but I doubt it somehow seeing some of the acquisitions that he made from Llanberis when they were closing down there .
20 Opened in 1779 by the village blacksmith , John Harvey , it was soon building some of the world 's largest boilers and stationary steam engines .
21 ( The fact that this pattern is yearly becoming less of a deviation is brushed aside : in 1971 forty-three per cent of all married women in Britain were employed . )
22 This is shown by prices in the " grey market " which are often reported to be so low as to negate all of the gross fees , thus absorbing all of the underwriters ' risk premium .
23 Scott has assiduously photographed his travels and has always had enough strength to record the critical moments of the highest climbs , thus capturing some of the best high altitude photographs ever taken .
24 I 'm just meeting some of the girls from work , that 's all . ’
25 that 's fucking going some for a ship that size I would love to have be able to fly with the or something
26 And Chris was already inputting all of the data .
27 In an attempt to curb the Guild the ILP reduced its age limit to 21 at the 1935 annual conference , thus removing many of the advocates of YCI affiliation from the Guild 's leadership .
28 This type of help via an intelligent terminal or microcomputer is particularly valuable for the relatively unskilled end-users , in that it not only reduces the time taken to enter and transmit a search , but also allows correction of any typing or strategy errors before going online , thus removing some of the stress commonly associated with online searching .
29 Distinctive as the plans are , however , some of the less developed examples like Dragonby are difficult to differentiate from accepted ‘ villages ’ like Chisenbury Warren and Hacconby Fen , thus reinforcing some of the problems of definition outlined in the introduction ( fig. 7 ) .
30 ‘ I did n't like the show , ’ said Allen , ‘ but I thought Michael was brilliant , and he was already doing some of the Frank Spencer mannerisms .
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