Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] that it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Dioxin was indeed found at one Rhone-Poulenc dump in France , its manager nervously explaining that it was good French dioxin , and not a nasty Italian import .
2 The most this can mean is that the people who voted for the party did so knowing that it was planning to do certain things , and that therefore these voters can be assumed to have consented to those plans .
3 HAMMERSMITH and Fulham Council in west London continued to take out options on the London money market even after the intervention of the district auditor , wrongly thinking that it was reducing its holdings , the High Court was told yesterday .
4 As he was bending down to pick the post up off the mat he felt a cold hand on his exposed backside — little suspecting that it was the family dog giving him a friendly greeting .
5 Quickly realising that it was an impossibility to tackle the rescue as he had hoped , he decided to fasten the makeshift leash to Daisy 's collar .
6 He went across to it , still thinking that it was n't too late to back out and close the door behind him and pretend that he 'd never even been in here .
7 Of the country 's three nuclear reactors in Yongbyon , one 50-100 megawatt plant was not connected to the national grid , thereby indicating that it was intended for weapons production .
8 The Illington-Lackford type of pottery occurs on 4 per cent of cemeteries and 15 per cent of settlements in East Anglia , strongly suggesting that it was being used for domestic , as well as funerary , use , and it is estimated that undecorated pottery made from the same fabrics outnumber the decorated Illington-Lackford pots by 15:1 .
9 He was in this office a fortnight ago saying that it was about time as his father was getting on and one never knew , et cetera et cetera …
10 In Geo Mitchell ( Chesterhall ) Ltd v Finney Lock Seeds Ltd [ 1983 ] 2 AC 803 it was held that the defendants ' limitation of liability was unreasonable and therefore unenforceable under the Act ; a decisive factor was that in previous cases the defendants had settled claims without seeking to rely on the limitation clause , impliedly recognising that it was not reasonable .
11 I lay there realising that it was not true , but also realising something else .
12 Tommy had started and trimmed one side of my head , then noticing that it was six o'clock said ‘ Sha n't be a minute ’ and was gone for ten .
13 As Lord Devlin has explained : " … you can not escape liability for defamation by putting the libel behind a prefix such as " I have been told that … " " or " it is rumoured that … " " , and then asserting that it was true that you had been told or that it was in fact being rumoured …
14 The government could pull in two opposite directions without fully realizing that it was doing so .
15 Or schools get very excited by computer-assisted learning , ordering equipment and retraining teachers — only to find that the pupils , so full of enthusiasm three years ago , have totally lost interest , while the ‘ experts ’ are once again suggesting that it was n't such a good idea after all .
16 It is also interesting to note that even though the fertility rate of female textile workers was low from the beginning of the period , this was not the case in Preston , probably because the women weavers tended to be married to general labourers rather than to fellow textile workers , again suggesting that it was the occupational status and attitudes of the husband that were more important .
17 She drew in a short quick breath , hating what she was going to do yet knowing that it was unavoidable in her quest for the truth .
18 ‘ Please , do n't apologise , ’ she murmured , wondering if this was another phase of the game , yet sensing that it was not .
19 Such was the dismay of the Monis government that it hastily announced its intention to annul the laws of 1908 and 1911 , weakly declaring that it was ‘ abandoning the territorial delimitations which may provoke divisions among Frenchmen ’ .
20 And one day he came across a huge seal and killed it , never knowing that it was his own father in his seal form .
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