Example sentences of "[adv] [num] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A £16m rights issue from Addison Consultancy , the market research company , flopped yesterday with only 2.4 p.c. of the 151m shares on offer at 12p each taken up .
2 ( 2 ) Ito does not mention evidence that the earliest expression of learning in the VOR evoked by an electrical stimulus in the labyrinth occurs only 5 ms after the stimulus , too soon to allow time for transmission through the cerebellum .
3 BAe could end up with only 25 p.c. in the operation , which is being hived off into a new company , Corporate Jets .
4 So I bus-hopped into the City and took the Central Line as far as Bond Street .
5 And , who knows , perhaps one day in the future we will find further evidence from an even earlier date , to take the domestic cat right back to the very beginning of the Neolithic period , some ten thousand years ago .
6 There is perhaps one exception to the rule of impartiality .
7 But it is a strange life when one sees one 's friends for perhaps one month in the year , and then we all go our separate ways until we can grasp another opportunity — sometimes between flights at airports !
8 Perhaps one reason for the paucity of attempts to offer a direct critique of the " aims of English " , is the tendency within the discipline to avoid overt and detailed manifestos or statements of aims and objects upon which such critiques might be based .
9 The rarity of formal disciplinary hearings is perhaps one indication of the strict control of inmates achieved by the continual presence of considerable numbers of warders armed with long sticks .
10 They had arrived at a point opposite one corner of the house , but once they left the trees there was no more cover until they reached the broad belt of shrubbery which ran parallel to the side of the house .
11 What is certain is that in the EEC there is literally one law for the private company and another for the state-owned one .
12 While I am proud to acknowledge my sponsorship by the Union of Shop , Distributive and Allied Workers and my commitment of faith as a Methodist , I address the House today as merely one voice in a large and growing all-party coalition ranging from all the Churches to trade unions and consumer groups , all seeking a genuine consensus solution to the Sunday trading shambles .
13 Keynesians see monetary policy , therefore , as merely one part of a much larger package of policies .
14 At Robertsbridge coaling was merely one branch of a complex operation which produced cordwood for fuel , as well as inch-board , ship board and planking , which of course kept numerous sawyers busy .
15 Pornography is not , as Dworkin ( 1981 ) suggests it is , the main causal agent of women 's subordination , because it is merely one case of a phenomenon that is commonplace : women have been treated as objects throughout history .
16 For Wilson , Sting 's success , and the prodigious royalties it had earned for Virgin , was merely one feather in an increasingly crowded cap .
17 But it seemed that the Parents ' Association thought fifty pounds a week for merely one phase of the competition excessive .
18 In a sense this is merely one aspect of the application of the test that the welfare of the child is the paramount consideration .
19 It remains unclear , however , whether this relates to the whole community at Durobrivae or merely one ward within the town .
20 To a large extent this is merely one example of the preceding factor , namely that the purchaser is not willing to take over all the liabilities of the company .
21 Rape and battering are merely one end of a continuum of aggressive forms of behaviour of men to women .
22 Instead they can occupy the left- and right-hand portions of a single 2n-bit register After a multiplier bit has been examined , it is dropped by shifting the partial product and multiplier together one position to the right .
23 Not long after his arrival in Kentucky , they 'd sat down together one evening with the Harvey family tree and worked out that they were second cousins .
24 Maurice appreciated the thought , but seemed not to care greatly one way of the other .
25 Only 13 p.c. of the sample said that devolution for Scotland would be a good thing , but this rose to 28 p.c. of those questioned in Scotland .
26 So one year after the general election , how will Major 's cabinet be remembered in social policy terms , and how does Thatcher 's legacy now appear ?
27 There are also nine members of the Kent Army Cadet Force , so one side of the parade ground represents three generations of servicewomen .
28 I remember meeting him at about 6 o'clock one morning in an airport in the United States .
29 There was to be only one issue on the agenda — the economy . ’
30 In addition , 25% have managed only one issue in the relevant period , and no less than 38% have been in the top 50 for less than four years , excluding those who have established themselves in the last four years .
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