Example sentences of "[adv] [num] [noun sg] [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 HORRIFIED families who thought toxic waste was being dumped near their homes were told : ‘ Do n't worry , it 's only 190,000 plastic Andrex dogs . ’
2 Weston Favell has one of only six Consumer Advice Centres in the country and Kettering is one of their most up-to-date superstores .
3 ONLY three Boxing day meetings have escaped the big freeze .
4 Whelan has played in only three North Region events and six pro-ams this year , spending the rest of the time working in his father 's restaurant and glassware gift shop to earn the £1,200 he needed to get to the School .
5 By October 1989 only three City Technology Colleges had actually opened , although eleven more were at the planning stage .
6 Assuming that Noxid will only accept a contract for not less 5,000 pocket calculators Calculators Plc can :
7 Inevitably , since there are only twelve tissue salt preparations , an attempt was made with varying degrees of success to enlarge their scope by mixing them in an effort to cover other symptomatologies .
8 There 's only one thing potato farmers want on Britain 's menu this autumn … spuds , spuds , and more spuds .
9 There are two types of Head Hugger available — the 0–9 month variety which fits all 0–9 month car seats , and the Universal Head Hugger , which fits all car seats , using velcro fastening to secure it into position .
10 One of only four postgraduate art programmes in Holland , the Van Eyck is being radically restructured : there are to be three new heads of department , Heinz Prezold taking charge of Theory , Johann Aders , Design , and Thompson Fine Art .
11 Communication is the only two way parallel processes can effect one another , so one parallel process can not access a variable that another one can modify .
12 He examined only two FT-SE index futures contracts , March 1985 and June 1985 , and a significant maturity effect was found for only the June 1985 contract .
13 Andrew Kay & Company are one of only two curling stone manufacturers in the world , the other being a small firm in Wales .
14 We developed this very useful paddle stroke back in the days of long four metre GP kayaks .
15 Is she aware that the Feltham visitors ' report , which I am sure she has had a chance to read , said that there were only 24 workshop training places for 256 young people ?
16 B.Ed courses listed ranges from 12 hours to 200+ , and PGCE courses varied from 0 to 60 hours , though only seven PGCE Secondary courses suggested more than 10 hours as a minimum .
17 There were approximately 12,000 travel agent outlets in 1986 , 6,000 of which belong to the trade association ABTA ( of these , the total of separate travel agent firms was 2,500 ) .
18 Thus three core manufacturing technologies have been brought into play in a single product to enable ICI to fill a gap .
19 There are approximately 5,000 earth science journals published world-wide , with occasional earth science papers appearing in a further 1,000 non-specialist journals ( author 's estimates ) .
20 ‘ The end-users include approximately 60 office automation workstations based on Nibus AT clones with access to the Prime , e.g. for archiving purposes and for email .
21 There are approximately 127,000 milking Ayrshire cows in the UK .
22 For example , in the methane molecule there are four CH bonds and thus four bond dissociation enthalpies .
23 Milk and honey are just two kitchen cupboard stand-bys that have been used since ancient times in beauty routines , so give these recipes a go .
24 There are usually three rugose arm spines from the first tentacle pore situated ventrally on the arm ; their position corresponding with the bands of hooks .
25 Yesterday two building society chiefs joined big and small industry , traders , economists and even Tory MPs in demanding new policies .
26 Good performances in the British under 20 water polo trials at Sheffield have results in Paul Floyd and Lee Cooke ( Middlesbrough ) being selected for the 16-strong squad from which the 13 players will be selected for the four-nations tournament in Belgium on May 1–3 .
27 There are 340 schools and colleges and nearly 100 community education centres and outdoor education resource centres in Lothian .
28 There were also ten 21-inch torpedo tubes , and it possessed the ability to lay up to 240 mines .
29 Conducted by a psychiatrist and an orthopaedic surgeon , the study looked at nearly 200 road accident victims aged between 18 and 70 with multiple injuries or whiplash neck injury who had not been unconscious .
30 For the west Birmingham project a database of almost 8000 records has been assembled from nearly 200 site investigation reports .
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