Example sentences of "[adv] [num] [noun sg] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 A £16m rights issue from Addison Consultancy , the market research company , flopped yesterday with only 2.4 p.c. of the 151m shares on offer at 12p each taken up .
2 The rarity of formal disciplinary hearings is perhaps one indication of the strict control of inmates achieved by the continual presence of considerable numbers of warders armed with long sticks .
3 They had arrived at a point opposite one corner of the house , but once they left the trees there was no more cover until they reached the broad belt of shrubbery which ran parallel to the side of the house .
4 Keynesians see monetary policy , therefore , as merely one part of a much larger package of policies .
5 At Robertsbridge coaling was merely one branch of a complex operation which produced cordwood for fuel , as well as inch-board , ship board and planking , which of course kept numerous sawyers busy .
6 Pornography is not , as Dworkin ( 1981 ) suggests it is , the main causal agent of women 's subordination , because it is merely one case of a phenomenon that is commonplace : women have been treated as objects throughout history .
7 But it seemed that the Parents ' Association thought fifty pounds a week for merely one phase of the competition excessive .
8 In a sense this is merely one aspect of the application of the test that the welfare of the child is the paramount consideration .
9 To a large extent this is merely one example of the preceding factor , namely that the purchaser is not willing to take over all the liabilities of the company .
10 Rape and battering are merely one end of a continuum of aggressive forms of behaviour of men to women .
11 Maurice appreciated the thought , but seemed not to care greatly one way of the other .
12 Only 13 p.c. of the sample said that devolution for Scotland would be a good thing , but this rose to 28 p.c. of those questioned in Scotland .
13 There are also nine members of the Kent Army Cadet Force , so one side of the parade ground represents three generations of servicewomen .
14 In fact , the experiment is sensitive to only one sublevel of the F states , although atoms in the other sublevels can contribute to the frequency shifts .
15 Between 1370 and 1500 there is only one case of a father and son both being aldermen , William Reynwell ( 1397–1403 ) and his son John ( 1416–45 ) ( 104 , pp.363–4 ) , although there are cases when brothers or cousins both held office .
16 As I have already emphasized , withholding attention so as not to reinforce undesirable behaviour should be only one part of a dual strategy ; the other essential component is a positive and active policy of reinforcing ( rewarding ) good behaviour .
17 The main characteristic of their theories is the idea that an individual economy or country is only one part of a complete and structured world system .
18 This view appears disarmingly general but widely acceptable when it is stated as the idea that any economy has to be seen as only one part of a structured world system .
19 The difficulty with this result is that advertising is usually only one part of a marketing strategy , and that agreements on advertising are likely to spill over into other elements of that strategy including prices .
20 These negotiations and setting of rates is only one part of the union 's activities .
21 Only one part of the UK appears to have so far escaped : the northwest Highlands and Islands .
22 NICRA was the largest and most representative civil rights organisation but it was only one part of the civil rights movement and the original , pre-October NICRA was swamped by hundreds of new activists and thousands of supporters .
23 These are more complex isolated actions performed by only one part of the body , such as bending a knee , bringing one hand to the mouth , or using the fingers individually as in pointing , or picking up objects .
24 Nevertheless , the fact that the youth problem was being redefined in the early 1900s , led to the advocacy of new remedies which meant that the voluntary sector found itself regarded as only one part of the solution , rather than the whole solution .
25 The SSM is only one part of the total FAOR package , and as such was used to good effect to identify and select a specific problem area in the client organisation , and to complement the other analytical instruments .
26 The ‘ climate of the place ’ is , however , only one part of the equation : the other is the state of mind that the person brings to it .
27 At the same time , the worker has at his command tools and machinery that would make him feel enormous strength but he feels impotent because he is involved in only one part of the pattern of mass production ; never experiencing involvement with a total process from the raw material stage through to a finished product .
28 The stock immediately before the change included that relating to W 's practice , which never became part of B's stock , and following the dissolution B was engaged in only one part of the original practice .
29 Whatever its precise terms an exclusion clause designed to operate on a national basis can not be justly applied to a party active in only one part of the country and putting up no candidates elsewhere .
30 The war on poverty was only one part of the Great Society programme .
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