Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The man nodded and smiled all over again — rather encouragingly , this time — and then , smiling in a somewhat more valedictory sort of way , edged slowly back out through the door .
2 It leaves me like a right fool out in the bloody open . ’
3 It did n't matter which lead mode I selected , when I 'd pulled enough gain out of the system to create the required feel , the volume had all but gone , rendering the sound pretty unusable since it was way below that of my other patches .
4 So watch out for the del key .
5 So look out for the strong , the peculiar , the characteristic symptoms , any general symptoms that run through the case in different areas of the body and any chances in the mental state of the patient .
6 The second National Prune Week takes place February 18–24 , so look out for the California Prune Board 's displays .
7 You can now buy phosphate free washing powder , cream cleaners an multi-purpose liquid cleaner in all stores so look out for the " phosphate-free " symbols appearing on products .
8 Actually I find it easier to put in the mortgage details which is page li er pa line three and any outstanding bills and loans and then basically find out from the person how much they need on top of that
9 The male does not let them drop far — he catches them as they literally shoot out of the female .
10 Oh I do n't see why you just sleep out in the garden or something
11 Crowds generally thin out around the Isle of Dogs loop between 15 and 19 miles , so if you 're looking to get rid of the rest of the watching population , head for Canary Wharf , the complex will be open on the day to spectators .
12 Just watch out for the dress and do n't get it damaged . ’
13 Just watch out for the gateposts — topped by lions . ’
14 ‘ So if you want to hear the most wretched sound ever invented , just look out for the next album … ! ’
15 Meanwhile look out for the new Fashion Editor Edwardian-style frock coats with their theatrical , dandyish look .
16 ‘ Now I just draw out from the bank a spending allowance for the week — to pay mum back , to cover essentials and for a few little extras .
17 Steve said just get out of the office just get out of the office .
18 Steve said just get out of the office just get out of the office .
19 Terrace chanting begins even before support band , the undervalued Wonky Alice , have left the stage , and continues for a solid 20 minutes until the Sultans finally strut out to the opening strains of ‘ Land Of Hope And Glory ’ ( very Gary Glitter ) .
20 The great change that has occurred is that retailers no longer go out into the market place and buy what is offered to them by manufacturers .
21 Ill just go out of the house without a word , and stay at my club for a few days .
22 Generally , when things fall apart and get desperate I just go out into the garden , anchor myself to the earth .
23 I look at all the jobs that 's got , that have to be done in the day , right , and look at which ones I should do , and then all the other jobs I just share out between the relevant people .
24 They just slop out over the walls , and there is litter everywhere — old refuse , bottles and cans , you name it . ’
25 Erm is that seasonal is it that you just rent out in the summer ?
26 Had Quigley finally come out of the closet ?
27 And I said we just come out of the drive went across the road and there was just a bus behind us and erm I said the car almost came to a halt .
28 Yes , is n't , those are for my mother 's day bouquets and I just stick them in and they just come out in the vase .
29 When you read a work of history , always listen out for the buzzing .
30 Perhaps Spinoza could have strengthened it in various ways , by saying that people can not on odd occasions deliberately act out of the character they try to give their lives , without destroying that character , and that for the rational person the character of a life which includes good relations with other people at large is essential for personal fulfilment .
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