Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] down to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sweetman turned a furious smeared face at us , then drove his garish boat hard at Wavebreaker 's hull to gouge a long scratch down to the bare metal .
2 For example , an elder ( like the rest of us ) will get up , go to the toilet , go through familiar washing routines , make tea , collect the paper from the front door , and perhaps walk down to the shops or catch the bus into town , with competence and efficiency .
3 Surrounded by extensive and enclosed grounds it is perfect for children who can play in complete freedom while their elders relax on the lawns that gently slope down to an attractive swimming pool .
4 She had evidently only come down to the foyer to collect her mail .
5 The trapdoor in the floor is intact and a set of stone steps below lead down to the basement , location 3a .
6 Slowly relax down to the floor .
7 " Just nip down to the dining room and put the tiniest whisky , only up to here , " she held three of Nicandra 's fingers against the glass , rolling empty on the eiderdown " very nice , too .
8 and about fifteen of the erm eight , eight , five troop chasing after me , it was like our sister troop yeah , we were , there was three troops in our squadron , eight , eight , five , eight , eight , six and eighty , eighty , seven and then there was three squadrons and a regiments , there was nine troops there , so like , if it , basically it was your troop and nobody else , but then it was your squadron and , and anybody else and then the few times that I , on regiment it was your regiment and nobody else , like , we could touch you cos your our regiment but if you try and touch us , you can get fucking hell , but it nearly always come down to the troops , and the thing is eight , eight , six , only had , the first year that I was there we 'd only had about thirty people , fourth year there had I opposed like fifty , sixty and seventy , second year we were there we had about forty- five opposed to like sixty , seventy , eighty , and the third year there we had about fifty opposed like fucking seventy , eighty and ninety in a , in a troop , so we were always well out numbered and we were by far the most outrageous
9 still come down to a a ratio that has no units it 's just a a number .
10 I 'm only gon na get it four foot deep with it anyway it would n't be four foot deep all over , it 'll start off at two foot and then slightly slope down to the deep part
11 Now get down to the business of making a country fit for business to operate in , with plenty of unemployment and real inequality . ’
12 And now get down to the end of the document .
13 But with such a wide-awake bird as the wheatear you will discover very little else about its private life unless you really get down to the job .
14 But with such a wide-awake bird as the wheatear you will discover very little else about its private life unless you really get down to the job .
15 erm I also think that people will use the fact that people are staying away , or have stayed away , because of the Gulf as a sort of excuse for people not coming and not really get down to the roots of maybe , you know , why are n't people , why do n't people want to stay in British hotels , why do n't people want to stay in London Hotels ?
16 Alternatively nip down to the beach , or stroll down to the centre of Puerto del Carmen where the nightlife buzzes , and the cafés and bars stay open until the small hours before returning to your very own home from home apartment , complete with facilities , terrace and garden .
17 and possibly even go down to the trust and talk to them .
18 Would the other speakers please come down to the front .
19 It is perhaps significant , in this opening paragraph , that the sentences move to a peak of length in sentence ( 4 ) , and thence slope down to the final brevity of ( 7 ) .
20 Up to the fifth floor , then walk down to the third , where he 'd taken a couple of rooms .
21 At the same time , blink once or twice , change eye focus , look into the distance — perhaps out of the window — then look down to the floor .
22 He reckoned he had enough time to see Maidstone , then get down to the pensione and change before making his way back up to the Vomero again .
23 coal , and then rake down to the bottom and that 's when you open the little door for the draught to go up and they cal they call them tortoise stove .
24 She was to find out that something would startle her like this and then quieten down to an apparent normality , only to find that she had really been shaken up into accepting an entirely unnatural situation and adapting it to the flow of her life .
25 Then go down to the coroner 's office .
26 Wires from this tag strip then go down to the main p.c.b .
27 " Then go down to the laundry at once and tell her I require her here in my room . "
28 All that on the hill and then go down to the and measure from there to the top of the hill to see how much pipe for the
29 No I think we should do the north first , then go down to the south to meet Frank and Dave .
30 I sometimes go down to an 18 when maggot fishing or a single brandling or grain of sweetcorn on a 16 , but it is not very often such refinements are necessary .
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