Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [pers pn] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 Was after world war one anyway I mind of that , so say it might have been in the twenties he might have done I would n't say proper
2 He kept their backsides so warm you could have fried eggs and bacon on them !
3 Yet , like the rest , this is a persuasive performance , and I only hope we shall have more Arnold from American players .
4 It does n't bear thinking about , but I only hope I shall have learnt something from you in order to carry it on in some way or another . ’
5 I buy a cup of tea so thin it could have been made by Rachel 's landlady , and I stare out through a steamed-up café window across the cold empty promenade .
6 But on reflection , she had realized that no one had taken the friendship with the USSR wholly seriously , and now the realization of how much worry it must have caused the Führer and ‘ the greatness of his diplomacy ’ made her feel ‘ quite small ’ .
7 ‘ Master Rickie Crowninshield likes to scuba , ’ McIllvanney said sourly , ‘ and his daddy 's paying for the gear , so gear they will have .
8 We disembark , walking down the rusting ramp over white cockleshell sand and water so clear it could have come from a tap .
9 ‘ I very much doubt you will have the chance to discover , ’ Frere laughed .
10 So obscure you 'll have to explain that one to me .
11 ‘ As I said to Sergei back at the hotel , I only wish we could have used our own people to babysit Mobuto .
12 I only wish I could have hit the third . ’
13 I only wish I could have been with Mr Grant when he researched the feature .
14 you know I only wish I could have heard him
15 When the Minister had ended the meeting with the words , ‘ Now , Mr Sanders , what can we do to persuade you to put more investment in Ireland ? ’ the Englishman had replied , ‘ The best advocate you could have , Minister , to influence more investment in your country , is a local plant manager who consistently turns in good results , year after year .
16 It 's the best result we could have hoped for . ’
17 no I ju , I du n no why I just think she 'll have a lad
18 But I just think I must have had
19 I just think you should have a good sleep .
20 It was the best answer she could have expected ; but the memory of Fand sinking to the ground preyed on her .
21 ‘ I just wish he could have been here to see it . ’
22 ‘ I just wish , I just wish I could have been there , ’ he blurts out .
23 ‘ I just wish I could have seen his face clearly for one last time . ’
24 The reason for her pent-up fury is not disclosed , though we rather suspect it may have something to do with her father 's preference for her sister .
25 Well , he might have kept one as a spare , but I rather suspect he 'd have handed it to a friend with strict instructions to thrash it to death and to return it in five years ’ time …
26 ‘ I still say we should have called the police . ’
27 ‘ I still feel he should have gone to university like the other two .
28 I made several speeches in the Lords propounding my belief that the Biafran side should have had our support , and I still believe we would have been very much better off had that ensued .
29 But the Junior also felt a little odd , the playing area being rather off to one side , so Hamer would say it 's this that they 've looked to address — but I still think they could have done it better .
30 ‘ Yes , of course , ’ Harry said , ‘ but I still think you should have someone to take care of you .
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