Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [pers pn] [be] in " in BNC.

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1 How long have they been in business ?
2 How long have they been in here for Paul ?
3 How long does you happen to have in his family , how long have they been in the collection ?
4 He 's a bill sales , how long have we been in the indoor sales , or territory four , nine , one , in Manchester depot , which covers the Greater Stockport area .
5 ‘ How long have you been in love then ? ’
6 ‘ How long have you been in this field ? ’
7 How long have you been in the army ?
8 ‘ How long have you been in this job ? ’
9 How long have you been in business ?
10 And how long have you been in these particular premises ?
11 ‘ How long have you been in the office ? ’ he asks .
12 Aye , so how long have you been in here ?
13 ‘ Sir Gerard , Sir Brian , ’ he almost shouted in an attempt to rouse Cranston , ‘ how long have you been in the Tower ? ’
14 How long have you been in the Army ?
15 So have you been in this business before ?
16 They can keep their bloody door so Have you been in ?
17 I just hope she 's in this time . ’
18 And that would be , that would be , so if we 're doing it this way , right , let's let's erm , forget about where we are sitting at the moment now , and just look we 're in a helicopter looking at these ships now , so this one radios you in the helicopter and says , that ship S is on a bearing of forty five degrees
19 Of all the ways to commit a murder , is n't it a strange coincidence that Angy was stabbed in the throat , just like she was in the portrait ? ’
20 He was just like he was in the very early days ; he asked us to come out to his house and have dinner .
21 Well they just think they 're in a privileged position Stanley !
22 I trekked the length and breadth of Charing Cross Road and the surrounding area when I bought mine in ‘ 68 , and I still remember it was in a different league to everything else , although it crept into the £50 plus bracket , rather than the £40 I had saved .
23 We wanted to get away from it all but now find we 're in daily contact with people all over the world ! ’
24 Does Labour really think it is in accord with the spirit of the times ?
25 you 've got ta think er think , it was like erm one of the guys was saying oh I 've got a real problem getting the names , I said well how do you ask and he said well look I 'm in the people business John but I do n't suppose you know anybody do you
26 Relax deeply , then imagine you are in a landscape or townscape of some kind .
27 Relax deeply , then imagine you are in a grassy clearing in a forest .
28 Relax deeply , then imagine you are in a lush , green meadow .
29 ‘ She 's terribly sweet but you almost feel you are in the company of royalty . ’
30 He 'd called her Rory earlier in the evening — when they 'd been dancing , when he 'd kissed her and made her completely forget she was in the middle of a crowd of people .
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