Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] that at [det] " in BNC.

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1 Had a word with Vic about the script and he says not to worry but they always say that at this stage , do n't they ?
2 These studies confidently predict that at any plausible temperatures in Jupiter no solid molecular hydrogen surface is encountered .
3 The GUTs also predict that at this energy the different spin-1/2 matter particles , like quarks and electrons , would also all be essentially the same , thus achieving another unification .
4 We also know that at any one time there are approximately one million lone-parent households caring for 1 .
5 If I happen to be pondering them when about to cross the street , and the green light has changed to yellow , ‘ Be aware ’ resumes all its authority ; never mind that at another level of discourse physics dismisses colour as subjective , unreal .
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