Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] not [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Make colour 1 any shade you like , but remember that this will be the colour of the design screen you will be working on , so try not to make the colour too violent a shade , as this can be tiring to the eyes .
2 At the end of the twentieth century group exhibitions perhaps do not have the importance that they have had earlier in the century .
3 This sort of response can cause a lot of confusion for those around who perhaps do not share the same feeling .
4 There 's been a recent H M Is report , which has asked some questions about mixed ability teaching and expressed some worries about those teachers who perhaps do n't have the adequate support and preparation for mixed ability teaching , but they 're certainly not against it , or the H M Is are certainly not against mixed ability teaching .
5 There has been a recent H M I report which has asked some questions about mixed ability teaching and expressed some worries about those teachers who perhaps do n't have the adequate support and preparation for mixed ability teaching , but they are certainly not against it , or the H M I is certainly not against mixed ability teaching .
6 Well yeah but the only point is Susan she perhaps do n't like the smell of orange but then she might go in my room and pee in there if she did n't have nowhere else to go .
7 I personally do n't know a lot about it apart from the fact that Arthur Scargill went up there and there was a bit of excitement .
8 er , it depends on one 's own tastes , I personally do n't like the open planned that I 've seen in very modern houses where , erm I , I do n't quite know how to express it but it does seem to me odd to be on one floor level and then two feet up you 're on another level and er , that 's one aspect of the open plan that does n't appeal to me and I do n't quite understand why it 's necessary to have everything that 's going on in one room with pieces of furniture designed to act as barriers between the different functions or purposes for which you give parts of the room .
9 Some have become prepared to forgo promotion if it means too much disruption of home and family and if they personally do not want the commuting life .
10 From the theoretical point of view , however , I personally do not find the question of ‘ intrusive ’ and ‘ linking ’ in RP very interesting ( one might perhaps class it as a matter similar to the grammatical and stylistic question of whether or not to use ‘ whom ’ ) but anyone who wishes to go into the subject could read Windsor Lewis ( 1975a ) , Pring ( 1976 ) , Windsor Lewis ( 1977a ) and Fox ( 1978 ) .
11 Laboulbeniales found on adult beetles apparently do not infect the larvae , so adult-to-adult contact is the sole method of spread .
12 Unexpectedly , vertebrates apparently do not produce the enzyme cellulose and the process of cellulolytic degradation can occur only with the aid of populations of anaerobic bacteria in specialised fermentation chambers in the alimentary tract .
13 Crazy Ibrahim bouncing off the walls , appearing at the Lebanese Embassy , and you apparently do n't give a damn .
14 Mixing the metaphors there , but er basically do n't take a risk on one company or one product .
15 But those statistics alone do n't tell the full story , for throughout the match he totally out played his opposite number Stuart Barnes and literally never put a foot wrong .
16 Indeed , you 've been afraid to hold up your end of a rockin' conversation , paralysed by the knowledge that you alone do not possess the second Squirrel Bait album — and worse , you do n't even know why you should possess any Squirrel Bait albums , let alone the second one .
17 ‘ Ideas alone do not constitute a crime ’ Chinese official
18 There is no precise definition of a storm but it must be noted that strong winds ( unless storm force ) or heavy rain alone do not constitute a storm .
19 Well you do , obviously do n't want the car then !
20 These cover a period from 1442 to 1560 and obviously do not represent the whole of the villagers at this time , but are of those whose names appear in the index of wills of the Rochester Consistory Court .
21 Many of the shops are branches of multiple stores and , though their managers sometimes take part , they obviously do not have the same interest in it as the traders who were born and bred in the town .
22 Crucially you are trying to understand the whole sense of the quotation or question , so do not forget the overall effect of individual words .
23 So do not neglect the so-called popular style , which tickles long ears .
24 Push into place so adhesive clings to glass — smooth down The adhesive is very strong so do not remove the thermometer once in place
25 So do n't give a signal at all .
26 While you 're on holiday your home can be particularly vulnerable — so do n't give the burglar an open invitation :
27 The next problem is that not all programs make use of the ANSI.SYS so do n't expect the key swap to be honoured by everything .
28 You would n't let a thief tow away your home — so do n't make a present of your caravan
29 so do n't make a lot of difference does it ?
30 So do n't make the fines/costs too high .
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