Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] into [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Chemical element from industrial operations , nitrates from the excessive use of chemical fertilisers , and sewage waste from an ever-increasing human population all eventually leach into the sea .
2 I only change into a fighter in the last ten minutes before I get into the ring . ’
3 Ultra rich revitalizing balms , they literally melt into the epidermis , providing comfort and softness .
4 There are illusory curtains , from ceiling to floor , which gently billow into the room as if blown by a warm , gentle breeze .
5 Steve falls silent after offering this last piece of information , and I foolishly plunge into the trap .
6 If these animals detect vibrations in the sand or ripples spreading across the shallow pools , they swiftly disappear into the mud where the redshank and the plover can not see them .
7 So get into the habit of really looking at the viewfinder picture as you line up the shot .
8 Somehow it does n't seem right to count your calories during the week and then suddenly explode into an orgy of indiscriminate gorging when guests come and you are supposed to be the one in control .
9 In short , whereas there is not the possibility of using an argument from analogy to answer factual questions about time on the Sun , there is the possibility when it comes to people 's feelings , and so , being predisposed by the second reason to think that there is some sort of connection between moaning and the pain-language , we naturally fall into the trap of confusing valid fact-establishing arguments from analogy with invalid meaning-establishing ones , and produce the well-known argument that I am , in general , justified in applying ‘ mental ’ language to other people by the fact that they behave as I do when I 'm in a certain state of mind .
10 She had been adopted as a small child by the counsellor 's wife , now dead — so said my companion , adding that it was well known that she would marry Victor , and so come into a deal of money .
11 Other dimensions necessarily enter into the problem of organising government today .
12 Theo 's bar is on a soft sandy beach at Moggonisi — just dance into the sea if your too hot .
13 But they soon fade into the background , leaving behind only thematic reminiscences which are picked up and swiftly developed in a manner suitable to the changing dramatic context .
14 Then , too , there are the marginals who somehow seep into the paddock , and one of my unhappiest memories of Emerson 's decline has to do with the opening of the season which in those years invariably began with the Argentine and the Brazilian grands prix .
15 It can become epidemic ; and thus grow into an ideology .
16 ‘ I use it for a couple of songs every night , but because I do n't use effects — I just plug into an amp — I always use different guitars to get different tones .
17 With this system the batteries , usually PP3s but sometimes AAs in pods , just drop into the detector 's battery compartments where they are held against internal contacts by pressure , usually from the battery door .
18 But I have actually slept top-to-tail when we 've had parties and it 's too late for the lads to go home , now just get into the bed top-to-tail and keep each other warm so that the winter and yeah
19 Well I can have one every sort of , but I just get into the bath just after the water is slipping out .
20 Yeah , a single strip that they actually just feed into the ring and then put the balls in .
21 The Laboulbeniales are ectoparasites — most of their tissue remains outside the host — and only superficially penetrate into the host .
22 and it he 'll come up and just cuddle into the side of you without
23 Yes they go all just go into the box .
24 ‘ It might be a good idea if I just wander into the shop when it opens , let drop the fact that I 'm a vet , and see if the owner is interested . ’
25 Without stimulation and vision , church musicians , clergy and congregations easily settle into the rut of the familiar .
26 They had somehow come into a gallery full of erotic Indian sculptures .
27 You thus come into the activity as the central person — not on the edge of the outside fringe of a circle but as the instigator , the person with expertise to offer .
28 At a level above that is assembly language whose commands normally translate into a set , of ten or perhaps a hundred , machine language commands .
29 Or 'ave you just come into a bit of money ? ’
30 This has led scientists to speculate that all galaxies might go through a quasar phase , then a less active phase , and finally settle into the stability typical of our own and many local galaxies .
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