Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [pron] [adv] than " in BNC.

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1 Other people probably understand it better than you and if you 're struggling to understand it , go and ask them .
2 I mean , you know me better than anyone in the world , you probably love me better than anyone in the world , but you still never know another person one hundred per cent . ’
3 As individuals who used language as the medium for their art they probably take us closer than any other kind of creative person to the heart of our topic ; given , that is , the nature of psychosis as a disorder , essentially , of linguistic expression .
4 ‘ We probably need you more than they do .
5 A set of four small pastel drawings depicting nothing more than burning leaves , haystacks , and a solitary tree convincingly carry nothing less than 400 years of European history — from the displacement of Catholicism , the enlightenment , the Holocaust to the decay of capitalism .
6 This is why it is so important to have soul-friends , who sometimes know us better than we can ever know ourselves .
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