Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [adv] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Right sit up on the chair and we 'll read the story of the jumble sale .
2 We will fail to understand the significance of terrestrial zodiacs If we merely pick up on the generally insignificant evidence for their physical reality .
3 For example , the report appears to distinguish between ‘ genotoxic ’ substances , which are mutagenic and directly damage DNA , and ‘ non-genotoxic ’ or ‘ epigenetic ’ substances , which apparently act indirectly on the genome .
4 But having left till the morning when she was due , I could n't even let Cathy know because it puts her in an awkward position , suddenly turn up on the day .
5 You 've got , again , a much more stable population , there are n't nearly so many teachers , young women teachers who leave the system to get married and then perhaps do n't go back at all , or only go back on a part-time basis .
6 The Simple scenarios will take minutes once mastered , the Average Campaigns will require some hours , the Complex Campaigns may take literally days , so stock up on the ‘ ole K rations !
7 England 's batsmen looked in decent enough form yesterday on a shirt-front pitch , nor does the heat appear to be causing them undue distress .
8 Most guitarists know people who can outplay them in some way and so most register somewhere on the meek and self-effacing scale .
9 To actually just sit back on the hands , as the government are doing , is not a policy , it 's an abdication of responsibility .
10 Both convergent and divergent modes of thought are necessary for a creative act to occur : the writer must actually arrange his freely associated ideas into organised prose or the scientist finally home in on the solution to a problem .
11 Just ease up on the drama .
12 Travellers journeying into the town no longer look out on an industrial wasteland the ramshackle legacy of Darlington 's past .
13 Most of the guests on his show live next door — they just pop in on the way home from work .
14 They already open only on a part time basis .
15 Your Area Managers , your Regional Directors , all got plans ? or do you think those people that are running the company just get up on a Monday , oh , let's see what we can do this week .
16 ‘ Tonight why do n't we just skip all the 4 play mama , and just get down on the floor ! ’
17 ‘ Tonight why do n't we just skip all the 4 play mama , and just get down on the floor ! ’
18 Worry no more , just splash out on a Zzap ! 64 TURBO DATACORDER and wave goodbye to those tape trubs !
19 Just go up on the stage and just start just talking to people and suddenly they , get back !
20 Just go up on the A fifty five
21 ‘ We 've put the homeless into homes but some just go back on the street begging .
22 I say , like I say I just just red er paint summat like , these are white these and just go down on the red and just up there and just up here , just get your displays
23 Defendants who plead not guilty to rape , generally do so on the ground that the victim consented .
24 Sometimes you have wisdom teeth that have hung on in there for so long they wo n't come out and just lounge about on the X-rays , flicking V-signs .
25 It was now just light enough on the roof for him to see to load his pistols .
26 It would , note , generally fall not on the individual household , but on whichever public authority is responsible for waste collection — and thus on local taxpayers — and on companies that bring their rubbish straight to the dump .
27 Erm so it 's worth doing that we I , cos I was gon na go I was gon na go Thursday and just come back on the Monday but as it is now we 'll go Wednesday and have Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday night , so we 'll come back on the Monday .
28 It still lay there on the keys , the fingers extended to form the shape .
29 And we always home in on the cost of a full page .
30 If you ever break down on a country road at 2 a.m. , you will truly understand the meaning of the word ‘ alone ’ .
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