Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are many groups , much literature , and a great deal of help available for the widowed or divorced — so much that to go into the subject in detail would require another book .
2 To confront the anger of God in the way the ancient Israelites dared to do , to face it as directed against ourselves and the society of which we are so much a part , is to escape the romantic pretence , the unrelieved jollity , or the easy , unthinking speech of so much that passes for Christian belief and worship .
3 However , so much that needs to be done requires professional lobbying and political change , and I question whether a well-meaning group of amateurs can do much beyond counselling and sharing information .
4 Runs back to her lair , if I so much as breathe about the past .
5 Aside from the worthlessness of double negatives , aside from the fact that McGuinness was a far more accomplished safe-breaker than Meehan ( he had earned his nickname Tank because it was said he could penetrate even one of those ) , and aside from the fact that in all the verbiage spilled out by Meehan , Waddell and McGuinness to lawyers , journalists and others for over thirteen years , none of them had so much as hinted at the idea of a quartet , there was not a scrap of worthwhile evidence to support it : it was speculation with a vengeance and extraordinary to find in a report by a judge of his standing .
6 But nobody ever so much as hinted at the possibility that she might return .
7 And the soldiers muttered to one another as they limped and splashed back towards England that the black friars had not only sent the terror , but withdrawn it from them as soon as they turned back , and the devil their master could call it up again in an instant if they so much as looked over their shoulders .
8 Two burly bodyguards stood by Meh'Lindi , eyeing anyone who so much as glanced in her direction .
9 Next day , at the mum-and-toddler group , your gentle , chatty child turns into a little monster : she spitefully destroys another child 's sandcastle , throws a tantrum when she ca n't have the toy she wants , or screams in terror if you so much as walk across the room away from her .
10 The polytechnic staff were now on a work to rule , though only at local level — a vote or so at national level having gone against them in spite of a good deal of cooking of the agenda — and she was , as she said , too busy getting a strike fund to so much as think of earning , let alone working ; let alone getting to bed before Bernard had long since fallen asleep .
11 What is simultaneously acknowledged and denied is that ‘ wholesomeness ’ is not invaded from without so much as corrupted from within .
12 On the other hand , I sat in my New York hotel room for a good five hours ' Bloomingdale-spending time watching Sex Lies and Videotape , The Fabulous Baker Boys and Sea of Love without so much as moving to the fridge to flex a buttock muscle of my own .
13 All things considered , however , the film does n't exactly fly so much as hope from one gag to the next , relying on the awe of Brando and affection for the Kellog character to carry it over the many black spots .
14 All things considered , however , the film does n't exactly fly so much as hope from one gag to the next , relying on the awe of Brando and affection for the Kellog character to carry it over the many black spots .
15 Leaving behind hi-tech hospitals and computerized records did not bother me so much as leaving behind certain hard-won changes in birth procedures .
16 The snubs and indignities that he received from that quarter have passed into Gaullist lore : when he so much as enquired about the progress of the assembly 's constitutional commission , one of his own former ministers told him it was none of his business .
17 She occasionally did style her hair that way and , since she had never so much as dreamt of meeting Ven when she 'd purchased her black dress , no one could suggest that she had bought it with him in mind .
18 As she bustled about the mess , he did n't so much as look at her , which meant she would have to comer him to talk to him .
19 I was terrifically embarrassed , but Karen did not once so much as glance in my direction , and after a while I began to suspect that she had made a mistake too .
20 I may not so much as glance at all those handsome courtiers ! ’
21 They also know how paranoid I am ; I 'll be on the phone if the monitor so much as flickers during a thunderstorm .
22 ‘ Do n't so much as breathe on her , ’ Leo warned coldly as he descended the stairs behind them .
23 ‘ The only reason I so much as spoke to you last night , ’ he said through his teeth , ‘ was because of my grandmother . ’
24 That 's going to be hell on earth if you keep dissolving into a mushy heap every time he so much as looks at you . ’
25 Yet sometimes , like now , she wanted a neural-driven transmitter that would send a signal that would send Ace and Daak into painful paroxysms if they so much as thought of questioning her instructions .
26 The Mayoral party would receive a formal greeting to Waterside , … which was the proper old ancient Borough centuries before the town up and over was so much as dreamed of .
27 So if you so much as look like you 're going soft on us I 'm gon na take you apart with my bare hands .
28 Anyone who so much as hints at a ‘ third way ’ between communism and capitalism is considered naive ; there is simply no time to try more experiments .
29 If you so much as parked on a yellow line they stuffed a mortgage application under your windscreen wipers .
30 The Prayer Boat do n't write songs , so much as swells of piano and guitar which float the peculiar Mike Scott-like voice of Emmet Tinley .
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