Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [noun] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps some things have improved after all .
2 I mean alright , perhaps some people have got very good children that sit down and will play with a puzzle for half an hour non-stop , you know , beautifully .
3 It is surprising that so few people have suggested possible reforms .
4 ‘ For too long some judges have appeared to be out of touch , ’ Edward Hess , of the Conservative Lawyers , said .
5 Text only Such databases have established structural and indexing conventions .
6 Together these viewpoints have distorted the development of English education at the expense of a balanced provision in a system which could be expected to be concerned with the broad world of personal development , preparation for employment and providing for economic and community need , both local and national .
7 Together these trends have produced the own-label threat .
8 Together these factors have put new pressures on the international monetary system and on institutions such as the IMF which were designed to operate in a different economic environment .
9 Most insects are deaf , so these groups have had to develop not only voices but ears .
10 So these cupboards have got ta go on here but the door 's got ta go up in the meantime ?
11 As LCD technology has evolved so these displays have increased in resolution with VGA now being possible — even in simulated colour .
12 Given the opportunity , could so many electors have chosen intelligently between so many candidates ?
13 You imagine that you can succeed when so many experts have failed ?
14 With Chinese wages still roughly one-seventh of those in the colony , so many companies have shifted production across the border that at least two million Chinese workers — twice the size of Hong Kong 's manufacturing workforce — are employed in Guangdong , processing goods for the textile , toy and electronics firms which are the backbone of Hong Kong 's industrial sector .
15 It became , ‘ how can it possibly have come about in so short a period of time that so many women have become involved in politics ? ’
16 It 's interesting to note , though , that while a good number of men have ticked ‘ I must try to be more helpful at home ’ , not so many women have imagined their partners making such a resolution .
17 This explains why so many philosophers have supported theoretical hedonism .
18 ‘ The only reason so many clubs have signed him must be because he 's a good motivator .
19 In the past , the young store cattle were sold after a few months to farmers on the UK mainland but recently the EEC has guaranteed high prices for beef and so many farmers have fattened their calves on their own farms .
20 But — but so many things have happened .
21 ‘ As so many managers have discovered such players come cheaper than those in the Irish League .
22 It is easy now to understand why so many cameramen have filmed their own deaths .
23 Few find it so easy , and even champions return , as Sugar Ray Leonard , George Foreman , Muhammad Ali , Joe Bugner , Bjorn Borg and so many others have done , once more to hear the cheers and to wear the tinsel of fame .
24 I hope that we are never foolish enough to take what it does for granted — because that is when it will begin to crumble and fail like so many others have done .
25 Normally I 'd be reaching for ‘ annihilate ’ button when faced with such an ‘ aware ’ and ‘ right-on ’ selection of topics but Leatherface succeed where so many others have failed by virtue of the tuneful tempestuousness of their music , an assault with melody , muscle and sheer conviction which is irresistible , and the fact that Frankie Stubbs never sounds like a po-faced preacher — unlike a certain other native of the North-East whose name I can hardly type without sending my blood-pressure into the red .
26 As feminists resist sexist language , so many speakers have resisted the alternative .
27 And now , so many scars have grown over where it hurts that I 'm not sure I 'm clear anymore about what I 've lost .
28 So many people have given dances you know ! ’
29 Rogers and Burdge ( 1972 , 264 ) have also provided a definition of a community which provides a useful insight into why so many people have moved into the countryside in recent years , since it reads :
30 A dread of torture and physical mutilation haunts the countryside — not least because so many people have witnessed the mutilated bodies of victims dumped in the street by the security forces .
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