Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [prep] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was an interesting if much too long meeting lasting from 2pm to about 6.15pm — but interesting in that , with rather few of us there , it was a chance to range over a whole lot of issues on and off the agenda , and a chance to appreciate the efforts , interests , aspirations and voluntary input of many others — though of course they get support from their activities from their employers .
2 ‘ You 're looking tired , Stephen , and I see so little of you now .
3 The most pungent criticism of the president may be that so much of his attention is on the Gulf , and so little of it elsewhere .
4 Perhaps some of us here tonight are still gripped by fear of death .
5 It was certainly true that there were very few Labour Party full-time agents in the armed forces , but one major reason for this was that there were so few of them even in peacetime , and , of those who existed , many were above the age of military service .
6 There 's only half of it there .
7 And we had n't heard so much about her recently , anyway . ’
8 There was no need to tell Mrs Blakey everything because so much of it just did n't make sense .
9 Because he 'd wound so much of it around his hand , the bundle went with some weight and accuracy and then tumbled , unravelling like a falling spider , on the other side .
10 Paneth and Peters knew about palladium 's ability to absorb lots of hydrogen and they wondered whether packing so much of it in between the palladium atoms might increase the chance of the hydrogen atoms bumping into one another , thereby fusing and producing helium .
11 ‘ Thanks , but you 've done so much for me already .
12 She 's done so much for us already . ’
13 There are so many of them around !
14 There are so many of them around . ’
15 and I I 've thought about it and I 've thought about so many of them today I ca n't I 'm getting confused at which one it is .
16 The carbon which one was that ? erm cos there 's so many of them now I 'm getting a bit
17 and so many of them now they go , er to erm
18 There were so many of them about , and it seemed to him they caused as much trouble to a policeman as burglars .
19 Dad sold fruit and vegetables and because there were so many of them about , I never wanted any .
20 Peploe , she 'll tell you , regularly bought the roses featured in so many of his highly priced canvases from ‘ tinkers ’ who specialised in the paper variety .
21 Well there 's so many of 'em about really
22 Our usual excuse , that we were on duty , did n't wash so well now , there being so many of us around .
23 Like so many of us now , these mums are all keen on trying to keep fit .
24 ‘ There 's so many of us out there and we 're getting a lot of exposure , but we 're not moving .
25 Scotland has enjoyed a system of periodic relicensing prior to the appointment of the new statutory bodies in 1983 , and so those of you previously registered with the GNC for Scotland will already be familiar with the practice of periodic relicensing , and will be quite accustomed to what has become the subject of some controversy south of the border .
26 This woman says there 's still some of them around .
27 The difference between the West now and the West in the nineteenth century , is that now the largest part of the price for development is paid by the invisible people of the so-called Third World , rather than by the pauperised urban proletariat of mills , mines and factories , though there are still some of them about too .
28 To assuage the tension resulting from linguistic warfare , you have to go on humouring group A or group B or group C or group D , and conceivably all of them together .
29 Ca n't remember hardly any of them now .
30 Instead there was simply a series of holiday encounters of a strange kind — nearly all of them away from Roundhay .
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