Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] in the last " in BNC.

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1 Much depended in the last resort , too , on the power with which the negotiators went to the negotiating table , what goodwill there was between parties and what the strength of the bargaining power was .
2 But then it is all explained in the last paragraph , where Sir Kingsley gives his highest praise to Clive James , for heaven 's sake .
3 November — We are often better favoured in the last weeks of the season … ’
4 number for Malcolm Smith , secretary of N.E.B.E. , was wrongly given in the last issue .
5 Tenor tree was only felled in the last ten years — and the stump can still be seen planted with pansies .
6 He is as baffled as anybody over why Pool have suddenly slumped in the last month .
7 These later changes have all occurred in the last century and the pace of change is ever quickening .
8 Perhaps the majority of the " workhouses " still so called in the last third of the eighteenth century were in no real sense distinguishable from " poorhouses " , that is from places where the impotent poor , through age or infirmity , could be lodged either until death or more temporarily .
9 And er , as you 'll see , probably next week 's , I 'm not going to get to this now , er , next week , or possible the week after , even , depending on how long it takes me to get there , I will suggest to you that the revolution now taking place in behavioural science , does suggest wh what they are , and that there are in fact some deeply countering intuitive insights , erm , into this whole issue , which have only emerged in the last few years .
10 According to Prof Friel , who left home in 1968 to work in England , self-confidence among Derry people has only emerged in the last few years .
11 The use of oils in the kitchen has greatly increased in the last few decades , influenced by foreign travel and the subsequent awareness of international cuisine .
12 Of course the Scandinavians have been skiing for about 4,500 years , but they used it as a means of travelling across country , not as an activity in itself , that has only happened in the last hundred years .
13 But it 's only happened in the last five years .
14 Our first loss , as you correctly said , was at Palace , and it was not only lost in the last minute , it was in the 94th minute of a terrible game .
15 England triumphed 4–1 and Jack was only beaten in the last 90 seconds when the game was well won .
16 EDITOR 'S FOOTNOTE : You obviously did n't see our exclusive interviews with ex-Boro players Gary Pallister and Tony Mowbray , the letter to Lennie and our coverage of Boro 's FA Cup exploits all published in the last fortnight .
17 The road into Ribeira Brava has been much improved in the last few years .
18 Our marketing agency , Faulds , were asked to take three very powerful messages from our existing messages from our existing product range and develop advertising that was easy to understand and humorous — an approach which building societies have successfully adopted in the last few years .
19 He added : ‘ We have had one man killed and six badly injured in the last few days .
20 There is a summary , your proof , your appendices , there 's a letter dated the fourth of February from the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust , there is a special statement , and last , and only just received in the last few minutes , there is a supplementary note by Doctor on the Greater Crested Newt and its importance in relation to Skelton Pond .
21 We 've just heard in the last few minutes that the application for that hotel to be listed has been turned down .
22 Here the discourse proceeds through a repeated grammatical structure ( to X and not to Y the/for Z ) into which different words are slotted , creating a rhythm which is finally broken in the last phrase in a way which may seem to imitate the sense of relief and reward the prayer concerns .
23 The High Elf sorcerers had succeeded in opening the vortex but were trapped within it , eternally keeping it open , eternally trapped in the last moments of their battle with Chaos .
24 I have already written in the last chapter about the danger of passive repetition of the teacher 's opinions , and the need to sponsor the craft of writing .
25 The party has scarcely advanced in the last 20 years , and its brave new policy of ‘ independence in Europe ’ has proved a fine slogan , but not a convincing one .
26 Our largest vole , the water vole , is very active at the moment as its breeding season will have just started in the last few weeks .
27 His long struggle to prevent the development of a rival port in neighbouring Parton was finally lost in the last months of Lowther 's life .
28 And we 've already discovered in the last six months by discreet calls because of something we 've seen a bit funny in er er in er references that have come back or people have been down right honest and said , Sorry er this guy was last time I spoke with him .
29 Students may take either a full MA(Honours) degree in Sanskrit , in which case a subsidiary related language such as Prakrit is normally studied in the last two years of the course , or a joint MA(Honours) degree in Sanskrit and Greek , Latin or Linguistics , where both subjects are studied for all four years of the curriculum .
30 Visit Porto Atheni , and climb to a lively taverna in an otherwise timeless village still lost in the last century , rich in smugglers tales and old men sipping ouzo .
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