Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] a [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Boer nationalism merely erected a massive legislative panoply for racial discrimination .
2 Within the Six , the strongest support came from the West German Finance Minister , Ludwig Erhard , who had long favoured a broader European grouping than that being developed by the Six .
3 N.B. : We have only listed a few Zionist atrocities as to list them all , as with the crimes of the IRA , would fill a book or two .
4 ‘ It had been a quiet day and I had only caught a few small dace and then my rod thumped round .
5 Babies put on a lot of fat in the last few weeks before they are born , so looked a poor little skinny scrap of a thing .
6 Becky 's not only made a good physical recovery , but a good emotional one as well .
7 The railways not only made a direct physical impact on the landscape : their indirect effects were equally powerful and far-reaching .
8 Having only done a few short walks before in true Water & Ventilation style he decided to ‘ test the water ’ first by walking the Ridgeway in Wiltshire , 85 miles and five days later he completed it .
9 At one NL meeting the self-confessed animal lover and Jew-hater suddenly adopted a full-blooded Lamarckian argument to explain the difference between Swedish and British cattle .
10 Fishermen scurry all over the seas catching anchovies ; quarrymen have long made a living scraping guano from the bird-rich islands .
11 The Head , who had obviously prepared a lengthy moralising talk for this historic first assembly in the new sports hall rose to his feet just as the bell for the end of assembly rang .
12 But we 've only got a ti now we 've only got a tiny little lawn
13 ‘ I 've only got a no-hoper left , ’ Sam complained .
14 He 's only got a little tiny table top one .
15 I 'm afraid I 've only got a little red one !
16 During early system evaluation it was found that experts much preferred a simple direct dialogue style that presented basic diagnostic information such as test point values and component values , whereas the inexperienced required more directed problem analysis and advice .
17 Deemed delicious , he ate the lot and then had a cheese omelette and pronounced himself satisfied , having only had a nasty old British rail sandwich en route .
18 I mean we we , we 've got taco shells , but I find that the taco shells have kinda got a wee funny taste to them .
19 In addition to the launch vehicles provided by the Soviet Union , Iraq has apparently invented a makeshift disposable launcher of its own .
20 I do not know why the Leader of the House bothers with his Committees , given that he has apparently introduced a major constitutional innovation without any agreement from them .
21 If the base drive of the switching transistor was suddenly removed a large induced voltage would appear between the transistor collector and emitter , causing permanent damage to the drive circuit .
22 It all seemed disjointed and unreal to Donaldson , as if his world had suddenly taken a lurching sideways step .
23 Located in the Hawaiian Island of Oahu is Pearl Harbor where the United States has long maintained a massive naval presence which guards against an attack on the west cost of America .
24 In the case of BR , the act merely sanctioned a lengthy historical tradition of formal industrial relations in the old private railway companies .
25 Unhappily , it had only lasted a few short weeks , but all their friends still shuddered at the memory of their truly spectacular fights !
26 He had always been very highly strung and eventually suffered a complete mental and physical breakdown before dying in a private lunatic asylum in Roehampton 2 January 1900 .
27 ICI has just developed a new composite widely touted to be a likely contender ; it is now undergoing clinical trials at Liverpool University .
28 Crying , his duet with K D Lang , stormed to No 12 while I Drove All Night has just enjoyed a long Top 10 run .
29 This American menswear firm , of totally different culture and nature , has just reported a vestigial half-year profit of $1.5 million .
30 Mr Mohamed Al Fayed thus obliged a leading French newspaper to substantiate , by implication , a grand version of his personal history that has turned out to be false . ’
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