Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pos pn] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 However , Mr. Collins ( if I have understood him correctly ) has expressly limited his challenge to Lautro 's failure to allow the making of representations before the service of the intervention notice .
2 Molly had secretly enjoyed her initiation to sex on the night of Yanto 's near drowning , but then she had had to curtail her natural emotions for fear of waking her Father .
3 The Picts are said to have fiercely resented their subjection to the Saxons and attacked Ecgfrith who defeated them with the help of his sub-king ( subregulus ) , Beornhaeth ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 19 ) , probably between the Avon and the Carron ( in Manau of the Gododdin ) .
4 Blufton 's eyes glittered with irritation : he had obviously expected his revelation to be treated with respect .
5 Jules had already disappeared indoors and Alain merely matched his pace to hers .
6 The pressure on his throat ceased at once , but the hand had only transferred its hold to his arm .
7 American elite theorists especially proclaimed their commitment to a positivist method , but found it difficult to follow through with appropriate empirical accounts of the exercise of power ( Lasswell , 1936 ; Lasswell and Kaplan , 1950 ; Hunter , 1953 ; Mills , 1956 ; Domhoff , 1976 ) .
8 Government has not only turned its attention to the professions as economic entities , but in the 1980s adopted an increasingly dirigiste approach to higher education .
9 Had that fact alone drawn her father to Marguerite Lemarchand — ?
10 The two main parties , the ruling Democratic Action and the Social Christian COPEI , have long used their access to oil money to lubricate an elaborate system of patronage .
11 The companies listed in this leaflet have all shown their commitment to recycling by sponsoring recycling facilities in the Vale .
12 Another who seems to have greatly appreciated his visit to Scotland was the Spanish ambassador Don Pedro d'Ayala , who wrote an account of the country at the desire of Ferdinand and Isabella in 1498 .
13 The Scottish Prison Service has greatly increased its commitment to vocational training and education in the last five years .
14 Yesterday Ven had gently touched his lips to her cheek — and for Lubor to do what he had just now was an insult to that beautiful memory .
15 If Ken had only put his mind to it he might have in the end come up with something even better .
16 Members can present petitions at the close of business of the House each day , but in future should we disregard them because people have merely put their signatures to something which , according to the Minister , they may not give a damn about ?
17 .. they have long lost their claim to the name of the Birken Isles , as no birch now occurs there .
18 ( 6 ) If the company shall not within the period limited for acceptance find a Purchaser or Purchasers willing to purchase all the Shares comprised in the Transfer Notice the Proposing Transferor shall at any time within [ three ] months after the Directors have so confirmed their inability to him in writing be at liberty to transfer the Shares to any person not being a Member but capable of being a Member under these Articles on a bona fide sale at any price not being less than the Prescribed Price but in that event the Directors may , in their absolute discretion , decline to register any such transfer of any Share and shall not be required or bound to state the reason for any refusal .
19 ( 6 ) If the company shall not within the period limited for acceptance find a Purchaser or Purchasers willing to purchase all the Shares comprised in the Transfer Notice the Proposing Transferor shall at any time within [ three ] months after the Directors have so confirmed their inability to him in writing be at liberty to transfer the Shares to any person not being a Member but capable of being a Member under these Articles on a bona fide sale at any price not being less than the Prescribed Price but in that event the Directors may , in their absolute discretion , decline to register any such transfer of any Share and shall not be required or bound to state the reason for any refusal .
20 The SAP leader , Montri Pongpanich , was not appointed to the Cabinet , after the other coalition members had all expressed their opposition to his membership .
21 The homes of known Duvalierists were attacked as were several Roman Catholic properties , the Church establishment having long expressed its opposition to Aristide .
22 Miss Fluck had not long changed her name to Miss Dors , and anxious to make her feel at home , the vicar decided to call her by her old name — though he was scrupulous in remembering to include the all-important L. ‘ Ladies and gentlemen , ’ he began when the great moment arrived , ‘ I am going to ask you to welcome a very special person here this afternoon .
23 Seven years later they 've just completed their guides to all of mainland Britain , with some sections of it in their fifth editions .
24 Dannii has already given her name to a range of clothes .
25 I 've already given their names to the constable in the library .
26 There has been speculation that he might have been the ideal Tory candidate for the Hexham seat if he had not already given his allegiance to Langbaurgh .
27 Following the conversation recorded above , this bereaved mother soon committed her life to Christ , was followed by her husband , and shortly afterwards both her parents came to the Lord .
28 The selectors feel she has already earned her passage to Barcelona , having last summer finished second in the Europa Cup , ninth in the World Championships , and moved to fifth place in the world all-time 10,000 metres rankings .
29 I thought it only civil to break the ice with this boy of hitherto laggardly intelligence who had somehow scrambled his way to a temporary plateau of scholastic proximity .
30 Michael Jackson , Ringo Starr and Madonna have already lent their voices to the popular cartoon series .
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