Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [coord] i [verb] " in BNC.

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31 I set out to be the best athlete Britain has ever known and I 've achieved that .
32 ‘ I set out to be the best athlete Britain has ever known and I 've achieved that .
33 A 1:50,000 flat sheet map of the area was quickly acquired and I set to work scouring the area for my standard size circles , using Gresford All Saints as a perimeter marker .
34 Paragraph seven making it clear put that an initial assessment has already established er it has already passed the preliminary assessment stage er and that er the director is undertaking the data collection procedure so that the site can be properly assessed and I do drawn er Mr attention er to that I erm have taken the opportunity during the last adjournment Chairman to speak to Mr about the appropriateness of the wording of his er er amendment and I believe that he he may wish to er move something which is slightly different er which will certainly er we 'll deal with that er if he does move that but er it clearly is the intention of this report and of the committee that when the work has been completed on the assessment of traffic calming measure in Shalford and its priority established , that we would then bring er another report er to the highways and transportation committee in response to this petition er as as indeed is set out in paragraph ten B and if Mr wished that to be brought forward through to council then that will be done but I leave to him if he wish to move an amendment to make it quite clear , since er I must say this motion is rather bland .
35 I do n't know whether that is widely understood but I think it 's quite and important feature of our proposals .
36 It was favourably received and I felt that I had done my hitherto neglected ancestor proud .
37 We 've slightly digressed but I take your , I take your point .
38 Blanks were also stocked and I have seen a printed example to Shrewsbury .
39 In the late 1950s this order of dress was even more carefully observed and I saw a detective sergeant ordered home to change from Harris tweed jacket and flannels into ‘ proper clothing ’ .
40 Formerly seconded but I reserve my right to speak .
41 ‘ The mist 's nearly cleared and I like to see the stars . ’
42 I lifted the dog on to the table There was no doubt he was enormously improved and I did my best to join in the rejoicing .
43 The offer of a glass of Calvados was politely refused and I accepted a large glass of red wine that really tasted good .
44 The really important thing is that a public context for this has now developed and I do n't think that this can be fundamentally changed despite the impact of AIDS and the revival of the moral right .
45 As far as I know , er the levels have now dropped and I do n't think there are any further restrictions , as far as I know .
46 Most of the points I think have been well , accurately made and I do n't want to stand here making them perhaps less well wrapped and less well , less eloquently .
47 I have a pair of brown suede brogues that are really worn and I prefer them in their frazzled state !
48 I mean , we , it was very nearly went through had a meeting which had the press and public excluded and I think it was not handled well at that time from and we should make it quite clear that we are watching and hopefully we do understand the situation .
49 I managed to hold the aircraft straight for a short distance , running on the nosewheel which , luckily , had escaped damage , but as the speed came off the aircraft slewed sharply left and I came to a slithering , steaming halt about 200 metres the other side of the dyke , well off the runway .
50 So therefore , if this term I 've got one , two , three , four , five weeks roughly left and I know that sometimes erm what 's that ?
51 Both waders immediately filled and I caught my breath as freezing April waters began to stimulate sensitive nether regions .
52 since he came to our Lordships House with some very and has had to sit this thing ever since then with one exception er to speeches deeply and seriously critical er of the proposals er coming from Members of your Lordships House mostly with vast experience of the subject matter former Secretary 's er er former Chief Constable er and er so many others and I arise only to put one point to you if my Noble Friend decides to resist these amendments , it seems to me I may be wrong but it seems to me overwhelmingly clear that they will be carrying against him and they will be put into the Bill which will be very considerably altered and amended , some of your Lordships may think improved , but certainly drastically altered and I wonder whether er my Noble Friend thinks that really would be helpful from the point of view either of the pr future progress of the Bill , or the position of the Government .
53 I 'm well educated and I 've got two children and I can manage pretty well , there 's a number of much more essential things that I know how to do , but I ca n't do those ones , and when they come up I feel like weeping myself sick . "
54 My bonny lies over the ocean The words are well known but I worked out some actions I use as follows :
55 I I feel in the early days the the social contract was n't particularly well known and I think our party initially felt that these things were better handled not though a proper set protocol in the Maastricht treaty .
56 The position in Sociology is well known and I do n't think I need to set it out .
57 You would be a material shareholder in Flybynight as presently constituted and I enclose a copy of their accounts for your perusal .
58 ‘ The whole atmosphere is very well observed but I do n't know how accurately it portrays the Hasidim .
59 Councillor Willie McCafferty said that a lot of hot air was being blown about the issue , and that they should n't hold a seminar until they were actually sure mining would go ahead , adding , ‘ A lot of people here will have their pockets well lined and I make no apologies for that ’ .
60 The training and the work is very well structured and I feel that the firm has a lot to offer . ’
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